Chapter 1: Mission Report

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Conner's POV

We lost him. How could we lose him?

How could I lose him?

I have super hearing. And I can see heat signatures.

Why couldn't I find him?

Robin was missing. We had all lost our memories. Six months gone, but Megan brought us back together. Except Robin.

We know they didn't take him, after we defeated Simon we demanded to know where Robin was, but they were just as clueless as us.

The bioship landed, a little harshly, might I add, in the hangar, but none of us wasted any time to rush through the doors to get the League.

Wally reached it first and called the League through their emergency number.

Red Tornado took no time to come down, as he was already here. Then the Flash, then Superman. Then Green Arrow, Aquaman, Black Canary, and Martian Manhunter.

But it was Batman we needed most.

He arrived after only one minute of the League bombarding us with questions.

He stepped into the room and we all rushed forward, speaking really fast, all at once.

He raised his hand to silence us.

He looked to Aqualad for an explanation, but the Atlantian was being brought to the medical bay because of his severe dehydration. Batman then looked around and asked the question that was haunting us.

"Where's Robin?"


Robin's POV

I could see sand when I opened my eyes. Lots of it.

My head hurt horribly.

Not whelming.

Where was I?

I checked my wrist computer.

Bialya? How did I get in Bialya!?

Then something else caught my eye. The date. It was six months in the future!

I must have amnesia or something. I need to call Batman.

Remember. Maintain radio silence at all times.

Or not.

I started walking, I'd just have to find the closest city and then a way back to Gotham. And Batman.

I kept walking. And walking.

It was hot out here. I started to sweat, so I took out my water pouch. There was no need to conserve, it's not like it would take very long for me to find civilization.


I was wrong. It's been three hours, according to my computer. But even that was becoming unreliable as it's battery slowly drained away.

The moon was coming up. I didn't want to be out here at night, it might be scorching hot in the day, but like any desert land, it will be freezing at night. I can already feel the temperature begin to drop as the sun fades off to go warm another place.

I keep walking in a straight line. How far can you walk without finding anything? Bialya is a big country, but it is well populated throughout.


My computer is dead. No way to keep track of the time, even though I'd guess it's around midnight, seeing that the moon was directly above my head.

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