Chapter 12: Actually Part of the Team

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Sharp's POV

The door was thrown open and I raised an eyebrow as my mother stormed into the room. She looked furious and she stopped right in front of me before flinging out her arm and slapping me.

My head flew to the side and I smirked as I turned back to look at her.

"You stupid brat! Do you have any idea what you did? Bialya is now permanently under surveillance by the Justice League!" She yelled.

I laughed, "And I'm supposed to feel bad because...?"

"Arhhg!" Mom yelled reaching for my hair, but I reeled back and then bit her hand.

Blood poured out of the wound as she pulled it back and I spit the blood into her face. She gasped and cried out, rushing from the room and holding her bleeding hand to her chest.

After she left, four guards walked in and grabbed me by my arms, hoisting me up and dragging me towards the door.

I was limp because, well, it was fun making them struggle, and I smiled as we passed other guards.

A pair followed behind us and I assumed that one of them was Martian Manhunter. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him.

Then they opened a strangely familiar room and the pair stopped at the door. I waved goodbye to them mockingly and turned my head to see the rest of the room.


Oh no.

I stopped being limp and actually started struggling. I was not going through this again! I kicked one of them in the shin and wrenched myself free from the others. I ran towards the door.

"John!" I screamed.

Someone heavily hit my back and the strong man wrestled me back towards the centre of the room and I screamed in fear.

Not again.

Robin's POV

Batman was in the middle of giving us a debriefing on the Red Tornado situation when he suddenly stopped talking and turned around, his hand on his comm.

"She what? Slow down." He paused and then strode out of the room.

"It's Sharp. She's in trouble." Superboy said when we turned to him questioningly.

"Well, let's go!" Artemis said.

We all jumped up and ran after Batman, catching him just before he went through the zeta tube.

"What's going on!?" I asked him.

"Martian Manhunter has lost contact with Sharp. The League and I are going to investigate." He said quickly.

"We're going too!" Kid Flash said.

"No. This is a League mission." He said curtly.

"You said we couldn't help with Red Tornado because he was a League member. Well, Sharp is apart of our team and our responsibility." Aqualad reasoned.

Batman hesitated before nodding. "Go."


We rushed out as the bioship landed and snuck into the castle. Right now, we were the bad guys so this all had to be done without any evidence that it was us.

After all, Sharp was a criminal and Bialya was allowed to do whatever it wanted with it's own people. Especially those who have broken the law.

Before we left, our stealth suits had been activated. For those of us who had them at least.

Guys! The vents! I said, pointing up at the metal grate.

Everyone followed behind me as I crawled into it and downloaded the blueprints. Batman gave me the coordinates on her tracker, so I applied them to the map and started crawling quickly.

Soon enough, we were right over her. I peered down into the hole and saw Sharp kicking the life out of some old man in a white lab coat. She had tears streaming down her face.

I quickly jumped down and pushed her away from him.

"Sharp! Calm down!" I said, shaking her shoulders.

She immediately calmed down, seeing the team and I. Then she wiped off her cheeks and frowned.

"What are you doing here?"

I scoffed, "You were in trouble."

"Oh. Thanks." She put her head down in shame.

I rolled my optics, "Come on."


We entered the cave and went to the couch and sat down. Peace at last.

Sharp was sitting next to me, a black mask in her hand.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"Batman gave it to me. He wanted to know if I would join the team for real." She explained.

"What did you say?" Wally asked.

"I told him that I would be honored." She answered.


"But I don't want to train with Black Canary." She finished.

"Really? That's all?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yep." She smiled happily.

"Oh! We should celebrate! I'll make cookies!" Megan said.

She raced off to the kitchen.

"We should go watch those if we want them to be edible." I said.

Everyone nodded and got up. I put my arm around Sharp's shoulders.

"Welcome to the team."

Word Count: 812


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