Chapter 3: Hide and Seek

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Sharp's POV

"We're almost there." I announced when a road came into view. "We should get off the bikes or they'll be recognized."

"What about us?" Bruce asked.

"I don't know how much I like you yet, but if you promise not to do anything stupid, I'll let you wear my coat to cover up your weird clothes." She said.

"This isn't weird, it's just-"

"Completely out of place and noticeable? Yeah, I noticed." I cut him off sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and I took off the jacket that was full of almost everything I owned. Well, not exactly owned, but close enough.

I held it out to him as he dismounted and he reached out for it. I yanked it back and gave him a look.

"Wow, okay. I promise not to do anything stupid." He said and I eyed him before handing it over.

"This is heavy!" He exclaimed as he pulled it on.

"Yeah, that's my house." I muttered before finding some brush to cover the bikes up with.

Bruce came over and helped me hide them. Finally, we finished and I sighed as we stood up. It would be night again in a few hours. Three or four maybe.

I started walking towards the city.

"Hey, rub some dirt on your face. You're a little too clean for a Bialyian nomadic trader." I said.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I've got myself covered." I said, pulling my hair out of it's bun.

"You know, you look kind of familiar with your hair down." Bruce told me.

"I do?" I asked calmly as I started braiding it.


Hopefully he didn't realize who it was that I reminded him of.

I could see the gates from here, security was a little lax. Which was unusual because Queen Bee was looking for Bruce and his friends, I still don't know what they did by the way.

But, less security makes it all the more easy for us.

We walked up to the gates and two guards came out, brandishing guns.

"State your business." One of the them ordered.

"We are travelling to Iacon for trading purposes." I said calmly, but I avoided eye contact.

These men would definitely know who I was.

"What have you brought to trade?" He asked suspiciously.

"Ah..." I looked over at Bruce.

I grabbed the edge of ny jacket that he was wearing and pulled it back.

"Many different trinkets found in the desert or traded to me." I declared.

The soldier looked at my things in the jacket.

"Hmm." He said. "Does your partner speak?"

"Ah, no. He is mute." I informed the guard.

If Bruce hadn't been mute, it would have been suspicious for me, a girl, to be doing all the talking. The fact that we were teens though was normal, after all, lots of people here are broke.

The guard studied Bruce's face for a moment and I got nervous. Usually they didn't ask so many questions.

Then thr guard turned to me and looked at me, I kept my eyes downcast.

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