Chapter 9: Backstory

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Robin's POV

"Sharp. Look at me." Batman ordered, looking at the panic striken teen.

Sharp was sweating and her face was red, you could hear her short erratic breaths and her whole body was shaking with fear.

It didn't seem at all like the brave girl who was in the vents with me earlier.

"Now." Batman ordered again.

I stepped over to her and knelt in front of her. I put my hand on her knee and looked into her face.

She looked terrified and her eyes were tightly shut.

"Whatever you're hiding. It's okay." I said softly.

She made no indication that she heard me speak.

"Kid Flash. Get Black Canary and Martian Manhunter in here." Batman ordered, stepping forward.

"The rest of you, leave."

It had only been Batman and the team who came in here, other than Black Canary of course but she left after patching Sharp up. I think Batman just came because he was suspicious.

Wally raced out of the room amd everyone else filed out.

I took my hand off her knee and went to leave too, just as Black Canary and Martian Manhunter rushed into the room.

"I DON'T CARE!" Sharp suddenly screamed and jumped up, grabbing my shoulders and slamming me into the wall.

Her eyes were open... and completely white.

"Robin!" Batman yelled, but Black Canary held out a hand to stop him.

Nobody move and we all just stood there for a moment. Then Sharp went limp and fell, but I quickly caught her and put her on the medical bed.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked.

"She is disturbed." Martian Manhunter said, taking my place as I backed away from the bed.

Black Canary took the other side of the bed and put her hand against Sharp's forehead.

"We must have started picking at a mental scab that she had not fully healed from." Black Canary said. "Perhaps it was her dependance upon others. She didn't seem keen on us helping her."

"No. She was hiding something else." Batman said.

"Like what?" Black Canary asked.

Martian Manhunter laid his hands on the side of Sharp's head and breathed out. Then he gasped and brought his hands away, as is if she had burnt him.

"I cannot read her mind, she is in terrible mental agony." He said.

My heart clenched for my friend.

"I think she's... nevermind." Batman shook his head.

"Her eyes were white." I stated.

Black Canary looked at me seriously, "Milky white or stark white?"

"Stark." I answered.

"Hmm. That's usual." She said quietly before lifting up the unconscious girl's eyelid.

It was completely white, just like before.

"Mom...?" Sharp muttered, grabbing Black Canary's wrist softly.

"No. I'm not your mom." She said, pulling away gently.

"Oh. That's nice." Sharp muttered, rolling her head to look the other way.

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