Chapter 6: Attack on Mt. Justice

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Sharp's POV

I sighed as I drummed by hands against the countertop in the kitchen. Miss. Martian, or Megan, as she wished me to call her, was making cookies. Superboy, who Megan referred to as Conner, was messing with a giant sphere in the living room.

Wally is trying to help Megan make cookies, though he is failing miserably.

I've been here for two and a half days now. The half was my arrival and then sleeping. With a handcuff on.

The next morning I was interrogated by Batman, Superman, Red Tornado, Black Canary, and Martian Manhunter.

And by interrogated, I mean they asked me a bunch of questions and used Martian Manhunter to tell if I was lying. Though in all honesty, that was better than them actually just going through my memories.

They decided I was safe, for the most part. Nothing else really happened that day, everyine execpt Kaldur was at school. But eventually he got called away to help a friend, Red Arrow, I believe he said.

The name sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was. Kaldur was really nice and polite, he didn't seem at all worried about me trying to kill him or anything.

Though, he did seem a bit more distant after his mission.

The next day was more interesting. The team infiltrated Belle Reve. I thought that was pretty cool, but I wasn't really there.

Today, I just woke up and came to the kitchen to sulk.

Everyone seems really comfortable around me, which is weird. They've all, with the exception of Robin, told me their hero names.

Megan is from another planet, so it really isn't all that important, Conner is from a test tube, and Kaldur was born underwater, so them giving me their names wasn't all that much of a big deal. Especially since I live with them now.

Wally was the only one who really had something to lose, but he claimed that of Robin trusted me, then he did too. And he didn't want to be rude or left out either.

Apparently Robin never told anyone execpt Wally, because they were childhood friends anyway.

I'm not allowed to leave or the Bialyians might find out. It's really sucky, before, I was living on the brink of death, a scavenger, a fugitive, but at least then I had a purpose. Now I just sit around and quietly watch other people live their lives.

"Helloooooo, Earth to planet Sharp!" Wally said, waving his hand in front of my face.

I resisted the urge to stab it, but that wouldn't have helped anyway. The Justice League took away all my weapons. Stupid heroes.

"HELLO! IS ANYONR IN THERE!?!" He yelled in my face, making me flinch.

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"You were being creepy, glaring at the microwave..." He explained.

"Sorry. I was just thinking." I said.

"About what?" He asked.

"Stuff." I replied curtly.

"So you were thinking about secret things! Cooooool. Will you tell me any of them? It'll make me feel cool." He begged.

"Uhh, I was just thinking about my house." I said.

"Oh, is the rent overdue?" He asked.

"She can't have rent, she's a legal terrorist..." Conner frowned, "An illegal terrorist, legally a terrorist, legally an illegal terrorist... Nevermind."

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