Chapter Thirty

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The sunlight flooded into the hotel room as I woke up. I stretched out in bed before I sat up. Today was one of the few days I had off and I was excited. Jeff and I had made plans last night to hang out today since Lita and Matt were gonna start their planning for the wedding. I smiled to myself before getting out of bed. Despite everything my mother had said in her letter to me, I couldn't be happier. Jeff made that easy, he knew the right things to say and when to say them. Jeff has proved over and over again that he is the small shred of happiness in this depressing world.

I took a quick shower before getting ready for the day. We were in San Jose, California for raw this coming Monday and Jeff wanted to go sight seeing. I dressed in ripped jean shorts and a Iron maiden muscle tank. I quickly threw on my sneakers before putting all my essentials into a cross body bag. After I was sure I had everything I grabbed my sunglasses and headed out of my hotel room. I walked to Jeff and Matt's room, which was only a few down from mine. Once I reached the door I knocked and waited for an answer. I heard a few loud crashes and Matt yell something before the door opened to reveal a disheveled looking Jeff.

"Good morning." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking in the room. I looked at the room and laughed lightly at the sight. The crashing noise I heard appeared to have come from a lamp that was broken and laying on the floor. Matt was picking up the broken pieces when I walked in.

"What happened?" I asked looking at the sight in front of me.

"Well you see, when Spiderman over there heard you knock at the door he forgot about this thing called a floor. So he literally jumped from his bed to mine and in the process hit the lamp which caused it to fall to the floor and break." Matt said pointing to each place in the room where the scene took place.

"I honestly don't know what to say." I say as i look at the chaos displayed in front of me. I was trying my best to hide my laughter, however it was faultering and soon enough I was choking on my own laugh.

"I didn't forget about the floor, I simply chose to ignore it so I could see if my powers had come in yet." Jeff said crossing his arms over his chest like a two year old.

"You are just too cute." I told him with a slight laugh before giving him a kiss on his pouty lips. He smiled at me before grabbing my hand and heading towards the door.

"Be back later Matt!" Jeff yelled going towards the door.

"Umm Jeff?" I said in a questioning tone.

"Yes, love?" He answered back making me flush a bright crimson color.

"Don't you think you should put on some shoes and I don't know maybe some pants." I told him while laughing at the sight of Jeff trying to enter the hall in just his boxers and sleeveless shirt. He looked down at what he was wearing and realized what he was missing.

"Oh, yeah. That might help." He said before turning around and grabbing the first pair of pants he saw in his suitcase. He quickly pulled them on and proceeded to put on a pair of sneakers. As he was trying to slip on the second shoe he tipped slightly and fell into the wall. I just shook my head as he pulled himself up and came towards me. Jeff grabbed my hand and proceeded to lead me into the hall. We quickly reached the elevator. Jeff hit the button before he looked at me and smiled.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful today?" Jeff asked as the doors opened and we got in.

"No, but thank you. You look handsome as always." I told him with the ghost of a smile on my face. Jeff reached down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before we reached the lobby. We left the hotel and started walking down the street hand in hand.

What Hurts The Most (Jeff Hardy FF)Where stories live. Discover now