Chapter Three

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Today was the day that I was meeting up with Jeff, Matt, and Lita for training. Jeff had informed me at RAW last night that Matt and Lita had agreed to help train me. I had to track him down though so I could find out where we would meet for said training session. I walked into the gym where we were all meeting, it was only a short walk from the hotel to get there. When I walked in I saw a couple other superstars and divas. I waved at a couple of them as I walked by. I finally spotted Lita's red hair, She was talking to Jeff and Matt. She had her back turned to me, so I decided to hop on her back.

"Hi Lita." I said while laughing as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I swear You're gonna give me a heart attack one of these days Kailee." Lita said holding her chest.

"I love you." I said giving her a "bother kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, sure you do, that's why you keep trying to kill me." she said as I got off her back. A hint of amusement was present in her eyes.

"Hi boys" I said turning to Matt and Jeff with a smile on my face.

"Well, someone woke up on the right side of the bed" Matt said referring to my chipper attitude.

"Nah, more like someone drank a pot of coffee before coming to the gym" I said with a wide smile. It was the truth though coffee was my one true saviour.

"Well then, is everyone ready to train the young grasshopper?" Matt said patting the top of my head. The action made a few strands of hair fall down. I proceeded to blow them away from my face.

"Is that a short joke?" I asked, crossing my arms. I was only 5'1 so I instantly always thought someone was making fun of my height.

"Nope" Matt said popping the 'p'.

"Oh, okay. Now let's train" I yelled putting my fist in the air. Jeff chuckled at my actions as he shook his head:

"So where do we start?" I ask looking around at all the equipment. Treadmills ew.

"We'll start with a warm up first, so let's do ten minutes on the treadmills" Jeff said directing everyone to the line of treadmills. I mimicked him once he turned his back causing Lita and Matt to laugh.

"Is he always this bossy?" I asked lita, joking around.

"Nope, usually it's worse" she said laughing. We walked over to the treadmills and started the warm up. I started off slow because cardio is not my strong suit. I'm not terrible at it, but I'm definitely not ready to run a Marathon. I had enough cardio endurance to possible out run a killer or catch an ice cream truck but that's about it.
After a minute of walking I cracked it up to a slow jog. After that I went to a fast jog followed by running, and then a sprint. After what felt like forever it finally reached ten minutes. I stopped the treadmill and got off lying down on the ground. My heart felt like it was ready to beat out of my chest but it didn't to my surprise.

"Are you dead?" Jeff asked lightly tapping me with his foot.

I lifted my head and looked at him "Close, but no" I said.

"Good, because we're heading to the ring in the back" he said offering me a hand up.

"This place has a ring?" I ask in shock.

"Yeah, that's why we decided to come here over any other gym" Jeff said. I nodded my head understanding. We walked back to the ring where Matt and Lita were, Matt had Lita in a headlock. I laughed and shook my head at them. Jeff and I climbed into the ring opposite of theirs.

"Okay, since you're just beginning I say we start with running the ropes, so we can get your body use to how the rope feel." Jeff told me. I nodded my head. We ran the ropes about ten times before Jeff told me to stop.

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