Chapter Nine

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Travelling had quickly become my favourite past time since joining the WWE. I had been traveling with Victoria and Torrie Wilson since i came to the company just over a month ago. Tonight was a bit different though, because i was traveling with Lita, Matt, and Jeff. Matt had asked me if Jeff should switch cars but i told him it was fine. I was serious when i told him i wanted to be friends. I was following Lita to the car as I wheeled by suitcase behind me. Matt went to find Jeff so they could get the car. I had fallen a bit behind Lita when i bent down to tie my shoe. As i was fixing my lace a shadow towered over me.

"Need a hand?" A voice asked. I looked up to see who it was, Christian.

"I'm good, thank you." I said trying to be Polite. I wasn't expecting anyone to really talk to me. I spent most of my free time with Lita and Matt.

"We haven't met, I'm Christian." He said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Kailee, nice to met you." I said shaking his hand. After he let my hand go I grabbed my bag and headed in the direction of the garage. He followed after me.

"So, who are you traveling with?" He asked making small talk.

"Matt, Jeff, and Lita. What about you?" I asked trying to be polite.

"Oh I'm with Edge and Jericho." He told me I nodded my head in acknowledgment. "So how are you liking WWE so far?" He continued.

"Honestly, it feels like I'm living a dream being with the company. I use to watch it on tv and now I'm actually backstage at all the events. I can't wait for the day that I lace up some boots and step into that ring." I told as we kept walking. It was nice to talk to someone new.

"You keep trying to pinch yourself to make sure your awake, right?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"I've done it more times than I care to admit." I said with a laugh.

"Who was your favorite wrestler when you watched at home?" He asked me as the garage came into site.

"I think I have to go with The Undertaker, mostly because he terrified me and now I'm afraid to say anyone else." I told him in a joking manner. I saw the car right by the door.

"I see, well this is where I leave you. It was nice to meet you, don't be a stranger in the halls now." He told me as he helped me put my bag in the car.

"It was nice to meet you too. Take care." I told him as I waved goodbye and closed the trunk, I was the last to reach the car. I opened the door behind the passengers seat and got in. Lira was in the back with me, Matt was passenger with a map in his hands, and Jeff was driving. I said I quite sorry to all of them.

"What was that about?" Lita asked me, referring to my conversation with Christian.

"Oh, I stopped to tie my shoe and he introduced himself. We just made some small talk on our way here." I told her buckling my belt.

"Oh okay." Was all she said on the topic. I decided to talk about something else.

"So, how much are we betting that those two crash the car tonight?" I asked Lita loud enough so the two upfront could hear me. Humor was evident in my voice.

"Well, Jeff is blind as a bat at night, so we're gonna hit something that's for sure. And I can guarantee that Matt will need to pee as soon as we hit the highway." Lita said pointing at each of the brothers.

"I am not blind." Jeff told the red haired girl.

"And when you gotta go, you gotta go." Matt said defending himself. I let out a snort followed by a laugh.

"Did that noise really just come out of you?" Jeff asked looking at me. A hint of amusement was behind his eyes.

"Yeah, sadly it did." I said with a small smile. Jeff shook his head as he turned around and put the car into gear. I relaxed into my seat as music from the radio played. As we left the arena fans were standing on the sidewalk with signs for their favorite wresters. I saw a few Hardy Boys ones and a handful of Lita ones. I smiled at the sight. I looked at Lita to see she had the same look on her face. It was amazing that this many cared for what we did for a living. I decided to strike up a conversation with Lita.

"So who are you defending the title against next?" I asked her

"Probably Victoria or Trish." She told me turning towards me. I nodded my head in agreement.

"I honestly don't know how you can even pick to face. You have so many options." I told her

"I think Victoria deserves a shot, but I have this nagging feeling that it's gonna be Trish." Lita informed me, I couldn't help but agree with her.

"Well whoever it is, I know you'll win." I told her in encouragement.

"I know I'll lose the belt one day, and I'm okay with that. Holding the belt as long as I have has been a blessing. And if I lose it, the person will have earned it." She told me with a small smile on her face. I suddenly felt the car run over something and looked around in a panicked manner.

"Sorry, that curb came out of nowhere." Jeff said as we pulled onto the freeway. Lita and I started laughing at the statement.

"See? Blind" Lita said motioning to the rainbow haired man. Jeff just waved her off as I shook my head with a smile on my face. The car was silent besides the music playing quietly in the background. I rested my head against the window. Suddenly my stomach let out a growl. I slowly looked down at it with a glare.

"Hungry?" Matt asked from the front.

"No, I'm good." I told him returning to my window.

"You sure? Your stomach seems to have disagreed" Matt continued.

"I'm good, I promise." I told him. It was once again silent until Matt let out a huge breath. We all gave him a questioning look.

"I have to pee" he said lowering his head. At that moment we all started laughing. "Can you pull of at the next exit? I'll just pee in the field" Matt asked his brother. Jeff just nodded his head as a small chuckle fell from his lips.

"I called it" Lita said quietly as we pulled off the freeway. Matt quickly got out of the car and ran into the field.

"We could just leave him here." Jeff said watching the traffic pass above us.

"Nah, I might miss the dork." Lita said the smile never leaving her face.

"Yeah, I guess your right." Jeff said just as Matt got back into the car.

"Alright let's go." Matt said buckling his seatbelt. As the car took off I once again closed my eyes as I leaned against the window. I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes we were at the hotel. I slowly got out and grabbed my bags. I said goodnight to everyone as I walked to the front desk to get my room key. I was so ready to just sleep. I got to my room and put my bags by one of the beds. I didn't even bother changing before I flopped down in bed as I slowly started fading away into sleep.

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