Chapter 37

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"I was the first born of Hypnos and Nyx. A few human decades later, Phobetor came along. He was always a mischievous child. But he was as powerful as he is now. Together, the two of us had often scared our parents with images and creatures no human could ever come up with. I was the one to create them and Phobetor made them look real."

Charlie took another bite of her apple, but still listened closely.

"I suppose Hypnos felt as if he could not tame Phobetor. I was harmless, only making up things. But Phobetor was good at what he was born to do and Hypnos didn't like it. He would often fight with our mother about him and threatened to take us away. But he couldn't do that. As born Uvalions, we are tied to our parents until we reach a certain age. Not like you humans, we have no choice but to stay with one or the other."

Another bite of Charlie's apple accompanied his story.

"Obviously, knowing Hypnos' intentions, Phobetor and I chose our mother. But he didn't accept it. One day  when mother and Phobetor were sleeping, he abducted me. Well, my human body. As soon as we left the house, I could feel myself separating. You must know that if a born Uvalion decides to stay with one of his parents, he cannot leave without said parent's permission."

"What?" Charlie asked in disbelief, her apple momentarily forgotten.

"Of course, it is not the same with half Uvalions. If his other half is human, he can go wherever he wants on this earth without his parents' permission. It is his birth right after all." His voice sounded jealous, but not in an aggressive way. Charlie thought that he genuinely wished he was free.
"And what happened to your body? Why hasn't your mother gotten it back for you?" She asked.

"It wouldn't matter. Our rules are very strict. One mess up and you shall receive appropriate punishment. It does not matter if it was my fault or not. It is why my mother and my brother are still here. Hypnos and Nyx have wandered this earth long before your ancestors were even born. They both had connections worldwide. New Habbershire, previously called Habbero is a place Uvalions go to shed their bodies. It is a graveyard, build by Thanatos himself. Hypnos knew he would have to bury my body as soon as he crossed the threshold. And I suppose he stayed there, because he knew he would be protected by his brother Thanatos."

"The God of death." Charlie muttered.

"Indeed." Phantasos responded. Charlie shook her head at the information she just received.
"Why didn't he take Phobetor if he thought of him as too powerful? And why didn't the senate step in?" She was confused. All this talk about Hypnos made her really anxious.

"Because Phobetor would've not been as easy to catch. I could yell at him and show him as many apples as I wanted. I cannot bring something to life if it isn't already. Like the apple- they exist and I can make you as many as you want. But no monsters. Only Phobetor made my models real. I can would draw monsters, my brother hosted them. And the senate did not step in, because they don't settle Uvalion family issues. They are the oldest of Uvalions." She was confused yet again.
"But why do they exist if they don't help?" That senate sounded like the politicians in her country. There, but useless.

"Oh right, I have listened to you telling my brother what Hypnos told you about Uvalions. It is only half true. May I enlighten you?" He asked.
"Please." Charlie nodded eagerly.

"Well, Uvalions were first sent here to create a liveable planet. When humans arrived, some stayed to assure its balance. Some were called back by the stars. The more people were born here, the more Uvalions were needed and the harder our job got. Uvalions on earth now serve to keep up balance as much as possible. Between light and dark, good and bad. We may carry mythical names, but only so you can understand. But we are not Gods. Gods are a product made up by humans in order to look up to something, believe in something. But the main difference between Uvalions and Gods is the fact that we are here to protect earth. To keep universal balance. Gods are often described as above humans, heroes or something of that kind. We assure sustainability and we help humans in order to succeed in our common goal."

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