Chapter 34

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A yawn escaped Morpheus as his eyes fluttered open. It took him two seconds until he eventually opened them up completely. And another three seconds to look around him and remember where he was.

In the hotel room with Charlotte sleeping next to him. A smile overcame his sleepy face. Turning to his side, Morpheus' teeth caught his bottom lip as his fingers roamed Charlotte's cheek. Her body was turned away from him, letting his body spoon her. Which was why it was only when his fingers turned icy cold, he realized something was wrong. Really wrong. Morpheus withdrew his hand and used it in order to turn Charlotte around.

"Charlotte." His eyebrows drew together in question and confusion when her body suddenly emitted black fog. Morpheus jumped back, standing besides the bed now, not daring to keep his eyes off the black corpse that now transformed into a dark raven. Its feathers shone like the moon reflecting on the ocean's waves at midnight, almost as if this was a creature made in some laboratory, created simply for its looks. But the loud croak it let out, made Morpheus aware of the fact that the raven was still a wild animal. Or was it? It was a black corpse a minute ago.

"What-" Morpheus was at a loss of words. He looked at the staring bird and took a step back as it walked closer to his side. It suddenly leaped, taking Morpheus by surprise and causing him to flinch, putting his elbows up in front of his face. Suddenly he heard laughter, the sound of it making it past his skin and settling deep into his bones. It was a deep and evil laughter, mocking him for flinching.

"Oh, did I scare you?" The voice was unknown to Morpheus, yet he had a feeling whoever owned that voice was going to make sure he wouldn't ever forget it. Slowly lifting his head from behind his arms, Morpheus frowned at the pale man standing in front of him. He was dressed in all black, making his skin look even paler- like white porcelain, unreal. Straightening up, the Uvalion of dreams now stood face to face with a man he's never met before. But oddly enough, Morpheus felt a weird sense of familiarity as the stranger roamed his serpent like eyes up and down his body. 

"Who are you?" Morpheus asked, making the young man smirk. He looked around Morpheus' age, maybe a few years older. His raven black hair was brushed- no, very heavily gelled to the back and his face was clean of any hair, except for his long lashes and neat eyebrows. 

"Is that really the first question you want me to answer? What about your precious friend? The clock is ticking, brother." The man said, making Morpheus frown even deeper.
"Brother?" Then he shook his head, thinking about the stranger's words.
"Where is she? What did you do to her?" Anger pulsed through his veins in that moment. If that man hurt her, Morpheus was going to kill him.

"It is not about what I did to her. It is about what you will do to her, if you don't do as told. So listen closely." The guy was as tall as Morpheus, yet the latter felt like a child getting lectured.
"This is not about you or Charlotte. This is about your father. Bring him to us and you can have her back. It is a simple trade, which I'm sure even you can arrange." The man ordered.

"My father? What does he have to do with anything?" Morpheus asked.
"I figured he hasn't told you, but I thought you were better than that. Half human, after all." The guy said the last bit to himself, rolling his eyes before looking back at Morpheus with a stern look.

"As much as I would love to see your face when you finally do catch on, our time together is coming to an end. I have given you one order. Do it and you two will be on your way. If Hypnos truly cares about you, he will tag along. And don't look so upset. I'm not the enemy here." The man turned to walk to the door.

"Wait!" Morpheus followed him, walking past him to cover the door.
"She doesn't have much time. My father is not allowed to leave New Habbershire. It's a sentence he got when the senate found out that he was my father. There are other ways to talk to him. Please. If you keep her and she falls asleep, she might never wake up again." Morpheus' voice sounded pleading. Because he was, he couldn't risk anything to happen to Charlotte. And if that meant begging some stranger on his knees to free her, he'd do it.

"You don't think I know that? Why do you think it was so easy for me to get her? She was in deep sleep. I'll give her three days tops. As for your father. You should ask him again, why he's hiding in New Habbershire. Yes, hiding. Not sentenced or banned or whatever lies he told you. And while you're at it, greet him from me." The man patted Morpheus' shoulder, patronizing him like a child.

"Please! I will get him here, but give me Charlotte. She has nothing to do with this. I will do anything!" Morpheus begged again, his hand grabbing the man's collar.
"I know you will." Was the last thing he said, before the stranger turned into black fog again. But this time, there was nothing behind the fog. He disappeared, much to Morpheus' dismay. 

"No." Morpheus said to no one. He repeated the word over and over again, pacing the room, before walking towards the phone and dialing the only number he knew by heart.

"Son! About time you called." The joyful tone of his voice only served as salt in the wound. 
"Do not joke around with me. I don't have time for this. You need to come here now." Morpheus said, causing the other line to go silent for a second too long.

"Father!" Morpheus yelled.
"What, why? Morpheus, what happened?" Hypnos sounded very concerned. But there was fear in his voice as well, only worsening Morpheus' state.
"They took Charlotte. When we were sleeping, I was right next to her. And now this man appeared and told me to get you here in order to get Charlotte back. And he said you're hiding from something. And I don't even care. You just need to come here." Another second of silent passed.

"Do you hear me? You need to come here, now!" Morpheus yelled.
"I- I can't." Hypnos stuttered.
"What do you mean, you can't?!" Morpheus asked with outrage.

"I mean that if I ever step foot in Ailavu again, they will execute me. Do you hear, son? They will kill me." Hypnos panicked and Morpheus knew then and there, this was not going to be easy. But Charlotte needed him. She was the most innocent in this mess.

"Who is they? The senate? Charlotte and I worked on something in order to-" He asked.
"Not the senate, damn it. Morpheus, you should come back. And that is not a suggestion. I knew it was a bad idea to let you go. You are coming back this instant." Hypnos said, sounding as if he stood up from his chair and was walking somewhere.

"No. Not without Charlotte." Morpheus could practically hear his father rolling his eyes.
"Son, you have done enough for that girl. She cannot be helped anymore. She is cursed and when you find the senate, it will be too late. You have tried your best, but some things just cannot be fixed." Hypnos' words made his blood boil. How could he say that?

"Yes, they can. And you will come here, so I can prove it to you. She doesn't have much time. This is not a suggestion either, you will come here and if I have to make up a lie in order to have the senate come get you." Morpheus shook his head, not understanding why his father wouldn't help him. He was sure, whoever he was talking about could be dealt with. But for now his number one priority was Charlotte.

"Morpheus, this is not something to joke around with. You don't know these Uvalions. You don't know anything." Hypnos tried to reason.
"Yes, and guess whose fault this is? If you would've told me beforehand, I could've taken care of her better. I could've stayed awake, knowing there were people out there wanting you dead and would go as far as kidnapping Charlotte in order to get to you. You have never told me anything about making enemies here and I won't judge you for it, but you just need to come here and we will figure something out." He tried.

"Morpheus, as soon as I'm in Ailavu, I'm dead. There will be no time for me to figure something out with you. You won't ever see me again and all because of some stupid human?" That did it. Not thinking much, Morpheus threw the phone against the wall, causing it to shatter into a hundred pieces on the ground. 

What now? He had no clue where to even start looking for Charlotte. Or how to get his father to Ailavu. He still didn't know how to find the senate. Time was running out. Morpheus clutched his chest, feeling the air in the room thicken up. His knees gave in, causing the man to drop to his knees after all, tears filling his eyes. 

Just when he thought life with Charlotte could be possible.

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