Chapter 5

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"So, you're some sort of Sandman then?" Charlie asked the man next to her. She had no idea where he came from and what they had to do with each other when she woke up on the fire ladder. But he assured her that he wanted no harm and was willing to explain. She was tired and didn't feel the energy to fight when he just climbed through the window and sat down on her bed as if he owned this place.

She could've- no, she probably should have been more suspicious. But granted, he did say, he helped her last night and with her mother saying she saw a man with her and her lack of memory- she knew he was telling the truth. Also, despite not knowing that man at all, she had a feeling that he wasn't very patient.

"No." Morpheus answered, clenching his jaw. Was she serious? Sandman? That was just insulting, he thought. His mood was already ruined as soon as he realized he was the reason for her sleepwalking. Something must have gone wrong, but he didn't know what. He did the same thing he always did.

"But you said you bring dreams and-"
"I do and calling me Sandman is an insult. Sandman is a fictional character, Miss Denver. I, on the other hand, am real." Morpheus cut her off with a stern face and Charlie nodded.

"Okay okay, so let me get this straight." Charlie said, getting ready to tell him what she caught and understood from what he just told her. Morpheus nodded and leaned back as he waited for her to form her sentences.

"Your name is Morpheus Oneiroi, like the Greek God. You and I met yesterday and you brought me dreams. You erased my memory after I fell asleep and now I'm sleepwalking. You came here tonight to check up on me and noticed me sleepwalking." She finished with a still lost look and waited for Morpheus to nod. He did.

"Okay, so what now?" Charlie asked expectantly. Morpheus appreciated her sudden trust in him, but couldn't help and make sure that she wasn't trying to play him again. He couldn't understand why she believed him this easily when yesterday she literally called 123.

"Hold on. Why do you believe me all of a sudden?" He asked her, making her frown. Charlie didn't know why she did, but she had a feeling he was telling the truth. It wasn't a coincidence that he came into her life after she had her first dream in over ten years. Plus, she dreamed about him and she was familiar with Sigmund Freud's interpretation of dreams.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I never believed that I would ever dream again. I stopped hoping after I turned eighteen. It would be naive of me to think that you entering my life exactly after I had my first good dream in ages was a coincidence." She told him truthfully and he nodded, fighting the urge to smile cheekily.

"Besides, no normal human being would wear this horrible thing." She said, pointing at the Goth jacket he was wearing. He rolled his eyes. Unbelievable, he thought.
"It's a jacket, it serves its purpose and it makes people change the streets when I approach." Morpheus said with all seriousness.
"Yeah, well I can't blame them." She responded, causing his frown to deepen.

"Whatever, shall we go then?" He asked her while standing up. Charlie frowned in confusion and stood up as well.

"Where to?" She asked.
"Well, you see- your sleepwalking might be my fault and probably a side effect of my- treatment. But that never happened before and I would like my father to have a look at you." He explained, making her eyebrows shoot up to her forehead.

"According to my knowledge about Greek Gods and Godesses, your father must be Hypnos, the God of sleep, am I right?" She asked, making him nod, impressed by her knowledge about Greek mythology.
"And your mother must be Pasithea, the Goddess of relaxation and rest?" This made Morpheus stop nodding and look away from her. He had no mother and didn't want this conversation to turn awkward.

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