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Chloe sighed as she saw with poppy as she sat playing. All that Chloe could think over was Tom and what he was going through and her head was a mess.

She knew that it was her fault that he had ended up in the hospital and she hated it, she hated that he had ended up in the hospital as he tried to protect her

"daddy?" Poppy asked as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"daddy is in hospital. He is not well but the doctors are going to do all that they can to make sure that he is okay. I promise" Chloe said as poppy looked to her and pouted as she sat on her knee.

Chloe held her close and smiled. Chloe hated herself knowing that Tom was in the hospital and it was her fault

"he is going to be okay" Chloe said. She didn't know if she was trying to convince herself or poppy. Chloe looked as poppy walked off and sighed as she ran a hands through her hair as Steph walked in and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay love" Steph asked as Chloe shock her head, Steph sat next to her and smiled as she pulled her close and smiled

"I know you blame yourself but you didn't do this. This is not your fault" Steph said 
Chloe sat at toms bedside and smiled as grace walked in and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" grace asked as Chloe shock her head

"you can't do this chlo. You can't blame yourself because of your psychotic ex. Tom Loves you and he was protecting you and he will wake up and he will be okay" grace said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"I just can't loose him" Chloe said as grace walked over to her and hugged her and smiled

"I know but you have to be strong as poppy needs you and it will be okay. You know that don't you. You can't blame yourself for this as you are not to blame. Tom like he's you and he will get through this" grace said as Chloe looked to her and smiled.

Chloe knew that mika blamed her for what happened to Tom and she hated to think of what he was going through.

Chloe was trying to be positive and hope that he would be okay but it was easier said that done. Not when she had no idea if he'd be okay and she knew that if he wasn't that she wouldn't be okay at all, she knew that she needed Tom

Chloe walked into toms room and frowned as she sat he was awake


"Chlo" he said as she walked over to him. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled

"your awake. Are you okay" she asked as he smiled

"I'm okay. It's all going to be okay I promise" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

She knew that she was scared that she was going to loose him and she just wanted things to be okay and she just wanted them to be okay but she knew she wanted to put her past relationship behind her but she knew it wasn't going to be that easy

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