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Chloe knew how she and Tom were trying to make it work after everything that had happened. She knew it wasn't easy. But she wanted nothing more than to make it work.

Chloe knew all she had been through with her ex. And deep down she was still scared of loving someone else.

But she knew Tom would never hurt her. He loved her. And she loved him. Despite how messy everything was.

Chloe knew that they were doing it for Poppy. She was their main focus. She was the reason for them making it work.

All Chloe knew was that she wasn't going to let her abuse get the better of her. She was going to overcome it. And make it work. Despite all the odds.

When she woke that morning, she saw Tom walking into the room with Poppy. She sat up and took her daughter. "Hi baby. You okay?" She asked.

Poppy giggled and nodded. "We make pancakes."

"Wow. Did you make mummy some?

"No. I eated them," Poppy said as she smiled and looked to her.

Chloe smiled and kissed her. She saw Tom sitting on the bed and kissed him. "Shame on you. Not making me pancakes."

Tom smirked. "They were delicious. I didn't think you'd want any," he said with a wink. "Maybe we could use the sauce tonight."

Chloe's eyes widened as she looked to him. She winked and shook her head. "Less of the kink. Little ears are around," she told him.

Tom laughed and kissed her. He knew how he loved her and was proud of everything she had overcome. But he was still worried with all she had been through.

"I'm proud of you. With everything you've been through. You've overcome so much. And I'm proud of you."

"Babe. That means a lot."

The two of them went into work after taking Poppy to daycare. Chloe kissed Tom and walked over to Grace.

Grace looked to her and smiled. "Hey. How are you?" She asked.

Chloe nodded. "I'm good. It's not easy. What with everything that's happened. But it's going to be okay. Tom and I want to make it work. It's not going to be easy."

Grace grinned. She looked to her. "Well I'm so proud of you."

"Tom said the same thing. We both just want everything to be okay. We have Poppy. And part of me wants another baby. But with everything I've been through, I'm just not sure it's the right time," Chloe told her.

Grace nodded. She smiled. "You have to do what's best for you. Whether that's a new baby. Or something, you have to talk to Tom. And you both have to make it work," she said.

Chloe nodded. Knowing her sister was right. And that she needed to get everything back on track first.

Chloe walked into toms classroom. She looked to him and smiled. "Hey. So I've been thinking. Maybe we could talk about having another baby? I know everything we've been through. But it's something that we could talk about?" She said.

Tom loomed to her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "We can talk about it," he told her with a kiss.

But would a baby make or break them? Especially with Chloe's mental health about to take a dramatic turn for the worst.

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