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Chloe sat on the living room as she looked to poppy as she sat playing. She had missed poppy and it broke her heart knowing how she had to send her away with tom to keep her safe. Tom walked into the room and smiled as he handed Chloe a cup of tea and smiled "you look as if you need it" Tom said as Chloe smiled. Chloe looked to poppy and sighed "I missed her" Chloe said as Tom smiled "She missed you too, poppy go and play on your room I need to talk to your mummy" Tom said as poppy looked to him and nodded. Tom sat next to Chloe and smiled as he took a hold of her hand and smiled "we need to talk over mark and why he did. Your here hiding out over what he did to you, it's not fair. He never hurt poppy did he" Tom asked as Chloe looked to him and frowned "of course not, I wouldn't let h. Why do you think I sent her to live with you" Chloe said.

Tom looked to her and smiled as he took a hold of her hand "you could of told me what he did to you, i would of been there for you" "I couldn't tell myself never mind you, he made it seem as if it was my fault, that I deserved it and then...them he raped me. I said no and he raped me and I feel so dirty and violated over it" she said as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled as she started to sob "it's going to be okay, I won't let him hurt you again. I promise" tom said as he held her close. He was going to let mark away with what he did to Chloe


Chloe walked into Stephs and smiled as she saw grace. Grace looked to her and smiled "hey are you okay?" Grace asked as Chloe sighed "I will be, Tom and i talked I'm going to the police, I need to be there for poppy and do the right thing" Chloe said as grace looked to her and smiled "your right, you do. Your a great mum though" grace said. Grace couldn't help but feel guilty as she talked over going to the police. Grace knew she was going through what Chloe has with mark but grace didn't have the confidence to stand up and leave, not like Chloe had.


Chloe sighed to herself as she pulled up in front of the police station. She felt sick and anxious. She stood from the car and walked inside and sighed to herself "id like the report a domestic violence and a rape, my rape" Chloe said as she felt the tears roll down her face. Chloe knew she was doing the right thing but she was scared. Scared mark would get away with it and Chloe knew she couldn't cope if that happened

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