2|Trying to help

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The male non bender walked over to the Avatar, "Hey..." He awkwardly said, he looked at him.

"Who are you?" He asked, he sighed.

"So basically, I kind of found you in an iceberg and at first I thought you were a Fire Nation s-" He got interrupted, the air bender looked at him.

"You thought I was Fire Nation? I have a friend from there," he replied.

"Yeah, same. But, actually- Y'know what... Katara! We're going to the South Pole!" He exclaimed, she came.

"Why?" She asked her brother, he looked at the water bender.

"I wanna show Aang the iceberg we found him in," he mentioned.

"Alright, fine. Lemme just get Bumi to come with us," she sighed.

"Wait, you know my friend Bumi?" He asked, the older of the two nodded.

"Yeah, but you kinda have a son named after him." He nervously replied, making the younger look even more shocked.

"I'm 12, how can I have a son?!" He asked, then he slapped his forehead.

"Oh Spirits..."

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