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Hello everyone, I'm back! Sorry for the ongoing hiatus and not having finished the request you guys sent. If you do have a request that you have sent me and i haven't made them yet, please pretty please sent them again through this chapter comments as i don't kept receipt of which request I have done. 

Make sure you vote and comment anything whether it's good or bad and hope you enjoy this chapter!


Living in a castle comes with many expectations and rules. Being the youngest daughter isn't easy with the standards set by your father and siblings. Although it might seem to be a close knit family but the closest relationship you have within your family is with your brothers, Tyrion and Jaime. Not many understood your relationship but you knew that Tyrion have a good heart inside. And Jaime have been your protector since you were a baby. Although there have been quite some years strained between you two due to him not really talking to you for unknown reasons, your relationship with him have been strong as ever.

Many years have passed and you grew into a beautiful woman. Your body have changed and that alone attracts the eyes of many people. From men lusting over it to women exchanging certain looks when you passed them, it's certainly a different spotlight than what you were used to. Your father is very protective of his younger daughter and no one in his eyes have matched his daughter.

Every morning, you attend breakfast with your father in his private chambers. Along the way, you greeted the people who were attending the castle and you bumped into quite a tall figure. "Oh my lord, I'm terribly sorry for bumping int... Oh, it's just you Jaime." Said you while realizing you have bumped to your older brother. Jaime just smiled and said "Dear little sister, you should really stop greeting the maids and made your way to father. He's been waiting." "Of course, brother. Will you remind Tyrion if you see him to meet me in the gardens for tea?" asked you while walking backwards towards your father's chambers. Parting ways, you enter Tywin's chamber with a meek smile on your face.

The day has arrived. The wedding of the century have been in many people's conversation for quite some time. You have prepared your niece and nephews as there would be many important details to be remembered. You also grew close to your nephew fiancée and your brother fiancée, Margaery Tyrell and Sansa Stark who are a couple years below yourself. While your older siblings (mostly Cersei) are wary of the Tyrell family, you grew close with Margaery and the rest not because of wanting secrets but pure friendship. You often spend time drinking tea with Olenna or watches Loras fought with many swordsman.

Wearing a red gown with gold details and your hair let down in its natural curls, you thanked your handmaidens for the help and had just finished wearing your jewelleries when Tyrion knocks and enter your room. You were curious and asked "Why are you here, brother? Have something gone wrong?" Tyrion just shook his head and said "No, my lovely sister. I want to ask you for a favour." You just nod as a sign for him to continue "If something happens to me, promise me to leave here. Leave King's Landing and return when it's safe. Whether you go to the North or even further East, flew away my sister." That shocks you and immediately sit next to your brother. "B... but why? Surely Jaime would protect me and father would also." Said you while trying to made sense what Tyrion just said. "I need you to promise me, my sister. I know you always see the good in people but do trust me, like you always does." Said Tyrion before leaving you and your thoughts.

Attending the wedding on the front rows, you can see how happy the couple actually is unlike your side of the family. You waited for the time to pass by and trying to understand what Tyrion asked you to promise. Holding a glass of wine, you stand near the ledge with your back to the people while looking out to the open sea. Unaware of your surroundings, you were shocked when a hand was offered to you. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lady. Is it alright if I'm here with you? The others are not really the people I associated with." Asked the stranger while setting down his wine next to yours. Looking at him up and down, you then asked "Forgive me but who are you? I'm quite terrible of remembering names and I don't think I've met you before, my Lord."

"I'm Prince Oberyn Martell, my Lady. Came from Dorne as a representative of my brother who unfortunately caught a sickness. I believe I was acquainted with your brother, Tyrion? He's quite a feisty little man." Said the stranger. You immediately bowed your head and replied "Forgive me, Prince Oberyn. I was distracted and yes, I believe my brother quite enjoy your company. But if you excused me, I have to go look for him now." As you were walking away, you kept looking forward for your brother but there was this feeling of someone looking from your back. As you take a look, it was the Prince who were looking at you with a smirk on his face.

You were shocked by the events happening during the reception of the wedding. From Tyrion being spilled wine from his head to you nephew choking and ended up dead. You were immediately escorted by the guards to your private chambers. Unaware of what's happening outside, you asked the handmaidens for information and they gave you the ones that have been shared around the castle's workers. Asking for some time alone, you weren't expecting any company but a knock came to your door.

Curious on who could know your room, you open the door and see the man occupying your thoughts earlier that day. "Prince Oberyn, is there a reason you're knocking on my door this late?" asked you to the man leaning to the wall. Shrugging his shoulders, the man just replied "I have a question to ask you. It's rather ambitious but I believe I would like your answer to this question." You just looked around before you pulled him inside and then said "Well?"

"Would you like to accompany me back home? I know you like to travel from what I heard around and I shall be a great guide for you in Dorne." Asked the rather confident man standing in front of you. You were unprepared of the question yet you're curious of it. He then continue to talk while getting closer to you "I also know that you may have promised someone to ran away and my Lady, this could be your chance." Looking him directly in the eye and not seeing any detection of lying, you replied "Give me until tomorrow and I'll promise to give you an answer, Prince Oberyn." Nodding once, he whisper in your ear "I look forward to your answer and may I say, I'm starting to see the beauty that everyone seems to say about you." Kissing your cheek, the man left the room with you having to make a decision that could affect your life completely.

The whole night was spent with you being awake, constantly thinking about what your decision is going to be. The pros and cons have been weighing on you and many aspects could shift with any decision you made. You wander around the castle while the sun is setting and ends up on your favourite ledge facing the sea. "Sister, penny for your thought?" It was Jaime who asked you the question and you weren't startled as it was him who introduced you to this spot in the first place.

"Would you miss me if I leave this palace? The truth, Jaime." Asked you while looking at him directly in the eye. Jaime thought for a moment as a joke before answering "Of course, my lovely sister. Wherever you are and how much distance there is between us, we're always going to be siblings. Should I ask why?" Looking away, you answered while hugging the man in front of you "Nothing, Jaime. Just promised me that you never change." He kissed your cheek and said "Never."

Packing without attracting any attention is tough, especially in a castle filled with spies. Looking around for what you thought is going to be your last one, you remember the little things Putting your last piece of jewellery on the sack, you were about to close the bag when Oberyn knocked and enter your room. "You're ready, my Lady?" Accepting his hand as a new door open and new adventure begins, you simply say "Yes." 

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