When you first meet...

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Robb Stark : Your family was one of the Starks banner house and your father asked you to come with him to Winterfell because you're the best archer from your house. When Robb greeted your father, he cannot missed the (y/h/l)(y/h/c) girl holding the (y/h) banner

Jaime Lannister : You were Robb Stark's twin sister. When he came to Winterfell, he stumbled on you jousting with Jon. He later talked to you at the feast and spent the whole night talking to you in the Godswood

Oberyn Martell : You were Tyrion Lannister's drinking companion. Tyrion introduced you to him at Littlefinger's brothel. That night, Oberyn asked you to accompany him for a stroll at the Red Keep

Jon Snow : You were Mance Ryder's daughter and Tormund's bestfriend. You were captured by the Night's Watch with Tormund and fell in love at first sight with the bastard of Ned Stark

Theon Greyjoy : You were Sansa's handmaiden. Your father is the blacksmith for house Stark. At first, you thought Theon is a shallow highborn but he wasn't...

Jorah Mormont : You're Khal Drogo's sister. He met you at Daenerys and Drogo's wedding, sitting next to Viserys. He didn't noticed you until you asked him for a lesson about Westeros

Loras Tyrell : You're Renly's childhood bestfriend. Renly introduced you to Loras at the tourney and he gave you his crown

Daario Naharis : You're ser Barristan Selmy's daughter. You refuse to be left behind when he went to serve Daenerys and later become one of her Hand. At first, you were intimidated by Daario but then learn to befriend him

Podrick Payne : You were Lord Varys's bird. You were lurking in the Red Keep where you bumped into a man carrying bottles of wine. He then helped you around the castle and become one of your friend

Gendry Waters : You were running from the golden cloaks because you were caught stealing milk of poppy from Master Pycelle. Gendry later found you hiding underneath a table full of swords and he offer his help to sneak you out of King's Landing

Ramsay Bolton : You were Theon's twin sister. When he was captured by the Bolton's, you came with Sansa pretending to be her handmaiden. He knew who you are but instead of telling you, he decided to play games with you

Tommen Baratheon : Margaery is the one who people always see but Tommen set eyes on you when you stumbled behind Margaery. He later found you petting his cat, Ser Pound. He admired you from afar until he accidentally stepped on a branch.

Renly Baratheon : Brienne asked you to join her to serve the Lord of Storm's End. When she became his kingsguard, you ask him to be one of his advisors since you have the intelligence and wit equal to Tyrion Lannister. He was both impressed and mesmerized by you since then

Tyrion Lannister : Your family is loyal to the Tyrell. You're the eldest daughter of Randyll Tarly and the best swordsman the Tyrell have. Tyrion wasn't the strongest but he was the smartest. At first, he thinks that you were just a swordsman but after talking to you at a feast, he realized you were different.

Bran Stark : you're not the typical girl. You're the daughter of the Stark's blacksmith and like your father, you're interested in making weapons. When you accidentally hit Bran while carrying your father breastplate, he thought you were a boy. Since then, he came to the blacksmith just to see you.

Tormund Giantsbane : You're Jon twin sister. When he went to the Wall, you join him but became an unofficial member of the Night's Watch. You hide with Gilly and Sam while the Night's Watch fight the Free Folk. After the fight, you treat the prisoners including Tormund. Even though you were afraid of him and his people, he makes you feel save around them

Euron Greyjoy : You are Tywin's youngest daughter. You were loved by all the people in the Red Keep especially Tyrion, Jaime and surprisingly, Cersei. You always accompanied your sister when she's greeting guests. Euron was one of the many man who got attracted to you. He was confused because your behavior was nothing like a lion but after a while, he know why people called you " The Young Cub "

Jojen Reed : The Stark's is kind to you since you were a child. When your father left you in their doorsteps, they raised you as one of theirs. When Winterfell was attacked and Bran & Rickon have to leave, Maester Aemon asked you to go with them and get them to the Wall. On the trip, you met Jojen and Meera.

I added more character and you can message me for me to add your favorite character.

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