Preferences #4

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Your favorite place to meet each other

Robb Stark : His room. No one ever bothers to come to his room except his family. You both would sit near the fireplace and just talked until no more conversation is needed

Jaime Lannister: A secret courtyard near the Blackwater Bay. You found it while trying to escape your lessons with the septa. You both would come here after it's dark and just cuddle and look at the sea

Oberyn Martell : the brothel. No suprise that he spent most of his time there but you quite enjoy the company there. You both can spent the whole day there. Just talking, eating, and other things😉😉😉

Jon Snow : At the top of the Wall. Since no one comes there except they were ordered to, you both often come there to meet each other. It's the place you first talked, kissed and many things

Theon Greyjoy : The Godswood. When you're not with Sansa or doing something for the Starks, you quite like spending time kn the Godswood since it's veru quiet. Theon knew about this and used to accompany you when really he just want to spent more time with you.

Jorah Mormont : The kitchen. You would spent the whole day in there just trying on new recipes. Even though you don't like to be distracted while cooking, Jorah always found a way to make your attention to him instead of your cooking.

Loras Tyrell : The garden. He would spend hours there just enjoying the view while you water the flowers or reading a book. He often get bored just sitting there but when he see the smile on your face when the garden is as you liked, he knew that the simplest things makes you smile

Daario Naharis : The armory. You both quite liked trying out new weapon that sometimes scared other people. Even though you had your favorite weapons, you quite enjoy the bonding between you both without anyone's interruptions

Podrick Payne : Secret passages in the Red Keep. There were many of them and you both knew the ones that not many people used. In there, no one disturbed you both from doing anything and you can still hear the people living in the Red Keep

Gendry Waters : The streets of Flea Bottom. Running in the crowded streets of Flea Bottom, it's where you both feel free and relaxed. While pretending to be somebody else, you both found out how lucky you both are with your lifes and each other

Ramsay Bolton : The crypts. Even though it's filled with bodies belongs to the Starks that had passed, it was peaceful and rarely people went there. It creeps you out a bit but with Ramsay, you feel save ( 🤨 )

Tommen Baratheon : The Sept of Baelor. With your families busy with the royal wedding, you both can explore free in the Sept of Baelor. You would spent hours in there just listening to him explaining the history and greeting the people. The things that makes you both was simple

Renly Baratheon : The Map Room. You weren't the best at geography and Renly was quite knowing about the subject. He explained about the 7 kingdom to you while subtly flirting with you. It was fun for you both to just spend time with each other

Tyrion Lannister : The winery. It's not a place that people usually hangout but it holds a sentimental value to both of you. The times where you both get drunked with Bronn and Podrick and the times where you both just talks about your personal life and problems. It's the place where you can release all the care in the world and not giving a fuck.

Bran Stark : The Broken Tower. You would climbed to the top and scream until you lost your voice. It's the place where you play games, tell each other about secrets or just to look on the view. No one really bothers you because it makes you both very happy.

Tormund Giantsbane : The dining hall. You takes time to eat and he would sit in front of you to starts new conversations witn you. He sometimes can be very sweet but he sometimes crosses the line. You would laugh at his jokes even though it's not funny but it makes your heart flutter when he smiles at you

Euron Greyjoy : His ship. It was the one of the fastest ship the Iron Islanders have. You would take it for a ride in Blackwater Bay while singing with his crew. Even though you wouldn't understand what they're saying most of the time, you still had fun.

Jojen Reed : The forest. He would wake you up in the middle of the night just to take you on a stroll and talk. In daytime, you couldn't talk about each othef without someone listening. In the night, you would just walked and talked about anything that pop on your mind


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