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Hello All! So this is a request by @Jellybeansixthsense , hope you enjoy this imagine and it fits your imagination. So anyone who wants to request could also comment or privately message me if you're shy.

Also, anyone wants to request about the next preferences?

This gif above isn't mine. I found it on google and it belongs to whomever made it. 

(y/h/n) : your horse name, (y/f/n) : your father name


As someone living in the Reach, you hardly ever seen the snow or experience the winter and you were a curious child. Many attempts of asking your father to visit the North and every time you get rejected. Giving up after such many trials, you thought that you would never see snow until one evening after a tiring archery lesson, your father knocked on your door and quietly told you about his plans on moving you to the North. Excited yet confused by your father sudden behaviour, you lightly packed your clothes and weapon (bow and arrow) while your father waited at the entrance hall. Then at midnight, you were already on your way to Winterfell.

After a long trip, you finally reached Winterfell and your father stopped in front of a man who were accompanied by some young men. Getting of your horse, (y/h/n), you locked eyes with a young boy about your age with deep blue eyes and thick auburn hair. He was standing next to a man wearing full black who were busy looking at his sword. Your father greeted the man who you think is Lord Eddard Stark and then your father grab your arm to show you where you'll be staying.

The next morning, you were already dressed and was confused as you didn't really been given the tour of the castle. Looking around for anyone that might helped, you were shocked when someone whisper to you.

"Are you lost, my lady?" It was the boy who you've seen the night before.

"Yes. Could you show me where's the dining hall? I'm supposed to meet my father there." Ask you to the rather handsome stranger who nodded and offered his arm. Walking to the dining hall, you talked with the boy and finally know that he is Bran Stark and his father was the one who asked him to accompany you to the dining hall. Arriving to the dining hall, you entered together and found his family and your father in a rather deep conversation. Looking at you, (y/f/n) patted the seat next to you and said "(y/n)! Come greet Lord and Lady Stark!"

Greeting all of the people at the table, you sit right next to your father and across from Bran. Digging in to your food and not hearing the conversation around you, you didn't noticed that you were called until your father call you again for a what must have been couple times.

"I'm sorry Father, I wasn't listening. What did you said, Lady Stark?"

"It's alright my dear. I was just simply asking about your room. Is it convenient?"

"It's quite alright, my Lady. But Father, if it's alright, why did you suddenly bring me here?"

You have wanted to asked that question since last night but didn't find the right time to ask it. Although it was also not appropriate to ask it now but you couldn't resist. Your father looked at Lord Stark and he nodded as an approval to tell you.

"My sweet (y/n), you remember about the letter that arrived last month?"

"Of course... is this about it?" you've asked back to your father. You remember how terrified you were when your father told you about the offers to marry you to someone. There were many suitors such as Prince Joffrey Baratheon, Ser Loras Tyrell and many more. Your father never said who he was accepting to be your bethroted.

"Well... I have agreed with Lord Stark to accepted his proposal about your betrothal with his son, Brandon Stark." Said your father as everyone around you waits for your reaction. Your spoon fell and you were shocked. After a few moment of not saying anything, you asked to be excused and you left the room without noticing the gaze from the boy who were sitting in front of you.

You were practicing your archery when someone spoke behind you. "Can you taught me how to do that?" It was Bran who was also holding bow and arrow. Shyly nodded, he took a stance next to you and started to show you. You frowned at his stance and get closer to him to helped him with it.

After an hour of practicing, you both retire to a bench near the Godswood where it was filled with an awkward silence. Both of you had a lot to say but none can come out. Watching people walked by, none of you tried to break the silence until now.

"You're not disappointed, do you?" ask Bran to you who were staring at your shoes.

"About what, to be exact?" you asked back to him.

"I know that I'm not the most... charming man that you know but I promise that I will cherish you and be kind to you, (y/n)." said Bran to you while holding his breath. Suddenly, your cheeks redden and your heart filled with joy. You were shocked to hear such kind words from a man that you just met yesterday.

You then started to talk. "I'm sorry for my behaviour this morning. It's just quite shocking to me and I would never thought that I will be betrothed to a man like you." Said you while playing with your fingers. Bran then asked "A man liked what to be exact?"

You took a breath and said "Someone as kind and thoughtful as you." At that sentence, Bran blushed and his breath were heavy. You kindly smiled at him and grabbed his arms as a gesture to follow you and accompany you for the rest of the day.

From that moment and further on, your relationship with Bran started to become better as both a friend and a lover. From that moment, you were inseparable.

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