Preferences #11

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Hey people, it's me back again and completely thankful to all the people who kept reading this book. I'm really happy with this book and having spare time since my school has finished, I'm back writing. All of you who have an request in mind, don't be shy to comment or message me and I promise to write it! If you have requested in the past and I haven't write it yet, please remind me because I kinda forget easily!

Also, the gif above isn't mine. I found it on google and it belongs to it's owner. Hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment! :)) 


The person who encourage your relationship

Robb Stark : Theon Greyjoy. As Robb's closest friend and his everyday companion, Theon obviously noticed the gazes between the two of you. Often teasing Robb about it, it was something Theon said that encourage Robb to ask you for a date. Even though he don't show it, he really supports your relationship despite others opinion. 

Jaime Lannister : Jon Snow. As your brother and comrade, he at first was suspicious of the Southern man interest on you but after not so subtle sleuthing with Robb, he noticed how affectionate Jaime with you. So, not wanting to wait any longer, Jon pushes you to embrace your relationship with Jaime

Oberyn Martell : Podrick Payne. Podrick and you became friends after a drinking game with Tyrion at the Red Keep. He was curious at first on why you were so keen on meeting Oberyn. One evening, he stumble on the both of you taking a quiet stroll and he saw the passion between both of you. He later talked to Tyrion about your relationship and they both were massive supporter

Jon Snow : Tormund Giantsbane. As your bestfriend, he was always protective of you and even he had a crush on you in the past. While trying to woo Brienne, he keep seeing you and Jon together. He was not suspicious at the time but when he found you both on a heated situation, he just laugh about it and use it to embarrassed the both of you. 

Theon Greyjoy : Sansa Stark. As your best friend, she know about Theon's behavior especially to women. But she slowly noticed how gentle and kind Theon was to you. When the time came and you asked for Sansa's opinion on Theon, she said to you that Theon was kind to you and she don't see a reason why you should reject his proposal for a date to you. After that, she approach Theon and let's just say that Theon felt winter is coming. 

Jorah Mormont : Daenerys Targaryen. Dany and you became fast friends after her betrothal to your brother. Telling your feelings about the older man, Dany was happy to see one of her close friends feel so happy and she was the reason behind your first date with Jorah. Both of you were always grateful to Daenerys and her ways. 

Loras Tyrell : Renly Baratheon. Renly was utterly amazed by you and Loras being a couple because he never seen a relationship as pure as both of you. He was happy for you who had been struggling due to your family troubles and finally found the right man for you. He always encourage you both to enjoy life to the fullest and you both will always be grateful for it. 

Daario Naharis : Missandei. She knews about your secret relationship due to her stumbling on you both being almost intimate. Although Missandei isn't an expert on relationships, she knew the feeling between the two of you are genuine. She later approaches you and subtly encourage to go public with your relationship. 

Podrick Payne : Tyrion Lannister. After founding about you being one of Varys's little birds, he was keen on pushing you away from Podrick as an protection to Podrick. After confronting you about it, he never expected for you to cry in front of him and begging not to tell Podrick about being Varys's little bird. You told Tyrion about your past which was long and embarrassing from your point of view but you didn't expect for the lord to be the one who told Podrick to follow his hearts desire to be with you. 

Gendry Waters : Arya Stark. You have to admit, you were intimidated by Arya at first and knowing about her past with Gendry, you were suspicious about her intention. Subtly avoiding Gendry and Arya, you kept yourself when suddenly Arya approaches you and demand to speak with you. She later express Gendry's feelings about you and tells you that she had no feelings to Gendry. 

Ramsay Bolton : Roose Bolton. Being a father is not an easy task. After fearing of what would Ramsay do to him and his new wife, he was relieved yet fearful because of Ramsay's shifted attention to you. Roose has promise to himself to protect you due to his fear of Ramsay and what he can do but after seeing you both together and saw your chemistry, he was happy to see that Ramsay could be a good guy thanks to you. 

Tommen Baratheon : Mrycella Baratheon. Mrycella has a bad feeling about your sister when she met her the first time. Yet, you and Myrcella became quick friends due to your many similarity. She was excited when Tommen confess of his feelings towards you to her. Due to her sudden movement, you didn't spent too much time but she was the one who supported your betrothal to Tommen and you were grateful for it.

Renly Baratheon : Brienne of Tarth. Brienne was a friend to you and she knew about your troubled past. Not wanting you to get hurt, she was reluctant on Renly approaching you but seeing that he was genuine and kind, she slowly helped him and you to grow your relationship. Many was curious on how you and Renly get together but the truth only known by you, Renly and of course, Brienne. 

Tyrion Lannister : Dickon Tarly. Your relationship with your brother, Sam was stronger that what you have with your father or other brother but after he left, Dickon was the one who stood by your side and rarely left. When he realized about the Lannister man feelings about you, he was keen on keeping you away from him. But after stumble upon a conversation between you and Tyrion, he knew that you have an affection for Tyrion. 

Bran Stark : Robb Stark. Having a large family means that your family is kind of noisy and Bran have a large family. You were going on secret dates when his eldest brother, Robb found you guys. He was happy for his little brother and couldn't resist to spill the beans to the rest of the family. Let's just say, he was your number one supporter and was Bran's source for opinions 

Tormund Giantsbane : Samwell Tarly. Jon and you are twins so it was expected that any friends of him became yours and vice versa. Sam was the only one who didn't flirt with you between Jon's friend and when he found out about your relationship with Tormund, he approaches you respectfully and ask it in secret. He was happy for you guys relationship and even helped you guys when you needed time away from Jon. 

Euron Greyjoy : Cersei Lannister. Being your elder sister, she was protective. Knowing that you were not exactly innocent, she knew that you were flirting with Euron and boy, she was not happy. She was slightly suspicious on the man's intention but after a heated conversation between you and Cersei, she knew to back off and just support it instead of trying to break it off. 

Jojen Reed : Bran Stark. Being Bran friends since childhood, you were as close as siblings. He know that Jojen was interested on you due to the longing stare but he was confused on your feelings. One night, Bran approaches you and blatantly asked about it. Blushed, you confess about your feelings to Jojen. The day after, Jojen ask you out and you pretended not to noticed the small smirk on Bran's face.

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