Preferences #2

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His favorite thing about you

Robb Stark : Your skill in archery. He always bragged about his "amazing" skill in archery. But you didn't believe him and then challenged him to a contest. As you prove to him that you're the best archer, he realized that you're someone he want to spend more time with.

Jaime Lannister : Your smile. He first saw you smiled when greeting the Lannister party. He later see you smiled again when jousting with Jon and eventually beating him. Since then, he always tell stories or make jokes that will make you smile

Oberyn Martell : Your knowledge. He liked when you talked to him about the history of Westeros or about fun facts about the people in the Red Keep. You suprised him by constantly not running out of topic to talk about.

Jon Snow : Your stubbornness. Even though you were captured by the Night's Watch, you won't give up Mance's plan and refused to eat or drink anything given from members of the Night's Watch. He kept thinking about you at night

Theon Greyjoy : Your clumsiness. You always tripping while walking in the Great Keep or stumbling across the Godswood. He later make it a ritual to catch you when your tripping or helping you so you don't make anything fall. He started to fall in love with you

Jorah Mormont : Your curiosity. You always asked about the history of Westeros, from the heatness of Dorne till the coldness of the North. You always asked him and he always answered. He later think about things that will impressed you

Loras Tyrell : Your love with flowers. He always saw you in the garden, watering the flowers. He later found you making flower crown for people in the court. After that, he started to leave beautiful flowers at the doorsteps of your room

Daario Naharis : Your wit. You always beat him while argumenting. Even though it bothers other people, they also loved it because they can see that you're made for each other. He always find a way to insult you which will end with you two arguing all day

Podrick Payne : Your eyes. It always gleaming underneath the moonlight. When you accompany him at the Red Keep, he always look at you eyes. How they sparkle when you laughed and when it waters like a waterfall when you cried. He then make a promise to always loved you

Gendry Waters : your cooking. As a blacksmith, he don't have the time to cook a proper meal. After he helped you, you're trying to repay him by cooking food for him and secretly, he enjoy your company

Ramsay Bolton : Your carelessness. He loved that you're careless about the rest of the world and only focused to him only. Your carelessness makes him feel more stronger and loved

Tommen Baratheon : Your calmness. The Red Keep can be kind of hectic and Tommen is stressing because his family's problem. In the dark, you're the one who calmed him and giving him pointers to remain calm to the people

Renly Baratheon : Your kindness. When you're not busy, you're always listening and helping the people with their problem. Renly loved that you think about everyone before yourself. Later at night, he would try to make you relax.

Tyrion Lannister : Your talents. You're one of the best swordsman and one of the best toxicologist in all of Westeros. He often ask you about it. At first, you think that he does that to annoy you but after a while, you think that he genuinely interested.

Bran Stark : Your strength. When you worked day and night in the workshop, you still have the time and strength to play with him and Rickon. He sometimes saw you sleeping while fixing the Starks weapon. But you appear as strong as a kingsguard

Tormund Giantsbane : Your pep talks. Even though the situation is tense, you always say the right words to make the people around you feel powerful and less frightened. He admired you for that because you make his people believe in hope during the war

Euron Greyjoy : Your ability to make people smile. Either it's your not very funny joke or just your very toxic laugh. He rarely smiles and prefer to smirk. At his time in the Red Keep, you kept trying to make him and his crew smile. At the end, he smiles but only in front of you.

Jojen Reed : Your jokes. The situation was tense and the trip was full of seriousness. Trying to break the silence, you tell your jokes which came from the people of Winterfell. Even though it didn't necessarily break the silence, he laugh at your jokes just to make you happy.

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