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"Carla." My father says quietly, "Yes father?" He looks up at me, "School is about to start, go eat then get ready." I walk to the kitchen before, "oh and Carla?" I stop, "We will talk at breakfast." I gulp and nod.

I walk in the kitchen and see my mom making my favorite blueberry pancakes.

"Need help mother?" She shakes her head no, "No I'm almost done, wait at the dinner table for me sweetheart." I nod and sit at the table at the very end. I look at my phone, it's been a week since I broke up with Polo for my mental health. I mean I'm seriously fucked up.

I stare at my phone waiting for a text, finally, Lu texts me.

"Heyy bitch, polo is wondering when you'll be at school, call me." I sigh, Polo acts like he owns me and it's fucking exhausting.

My dog, Bobby Bo, is laying down next to my feet. I know it's a stupid name but it's adorable. My father finally comes in the kitchen and sits down on the other side of the table. We really had this long table for 3 people.

He just sits in silence, not a word, a look, just staring at his iPad. I didn't attempt the eye contact. He isn't worth my time.

I continue to scroll on Instagram, Lu and Guzman are so in love. Nothing could ruin them.

My mom puts the food on our plates and then sits down herself. I start to eat before my dad snaps his fingers.

"Before we eat, you must know, you know the Garcia's right?" Samuels family, "Yes I know." My mom palms her face embarrassed, "we have arranged a marriage and a relationship, for you and Samuel." My heart drops.

"Excuse me?"

"You and Samuel will go on a date after school, it's for the future of our family Carla, don't fuck up!" He shouts. He picks up his fork and starts to eat. Like he didn't just say that.

"I have lost my appetite." I say calmly with no emotions on my face.

"They are blueberry pancakes and your mom worked hard to make them, eat." I scoff, "moms a great cook, she didn't work hard," my father snaps, "EAT!" I clench my jaw and obey. Me and Samuel? I had a crush on him when we were kids but grew out of it. He was also my first kiss but I didn't like Samuel no more, at all. He wasn't my type.

I pick up my fork and start to eat, the pancakes were great but I simply wasn't hungry. I eat to more bites and then take my plate to the dishes, "I'm full, I'm going to change."

I walk upstairs and head to my room, I look for my skirt and my uniform.

I finally find it and start to undress. Putting my uniform on, thinking on how I have to face Samuel at school. He can't be pleased with this either. We have hardly spoken. Samuel is attractive don't get me wrong but, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of him and his family and what will happen, I don't believe in love, but I wanted someone to love me.

Whatever though, I finally am all dressed up and already dreading to go to school. Samuel and me have no feeling for eachother yet I had to act in love. I don't even know how kobe feels but if I can manipulate Polo, I can manipulate Samuel.

I run downstairs and have my Lyft out here. I don't even say goodbye to my father or mother. I was still really mad.

"Las Encinas correct?" The driver asks, "Yes." I answer back. He starts to drive. I was so nervous. Terrified. I just HAVE to stop being a baby about this.

A couple minutes later and I arrive, fuck.

"Thanks." I say before exiting the vehicle. The driver nods and drives away. I walk in as fast as I could, I didn't want to run into Samuel, not yet. I speed walk to my locker and grab my books. Someone pokes my shoulder. Please no.

"Hey Carla, can we talk?" Lu says in a whisper, thank god, I look around and don't see Samuel anywhere, "Yeah whats up?" I say looking around.

"Guzman has been hanging out with that new girl, Nadia? I don't fucking know but they've been getting close, what the fuck do I do?" I thought they were perfect.

"Don't lose him, you guys are meant to be, spend more time with him, value him more, men like that." She laughs, "Your right, thanks Carla." She walks away looking around. I smile at myself. Samuel finally walks in with Guzman. They were laughing.

He didn't look like he was as happy as Guzman

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He didn't look like he was as happy as Guzman.  And you could see in his eyes he had a little bit of weed.

Samuel looked good but that's not all that mattered. He makes eye contact with me and then says bye to Guzman. He starts to walk to me. I quickly go into class and the bell rang right on time.

He walks in last after everyone, I sadly had nobody I knew in this class. Except for Samuel. He was looking at me the whole class. He made me honestly, a bit nervous. I casually stared at him when he looked away, he caught me plenty of times looking.

I realize I forgot my phone in the locker, fuck.

"Mr. Nick?" The teacher nods, "Can i use the bathroom." He nods and goes back on his computer. I quickly go and run to my locker. I look inside looking for my phone until a hand closes my locker and presses me against my own locker. Samuel.

"I promise I won't hurt you, we need to talk." I wasn't facing him but I could tell how he'd look. His hand was on my upper thigh insuring I stay where I am. All I could see was my locker but all I could feel were his hands.

"Why would I want to talk to you?" His grip gets tighter, "Because from now on we are dating and I don't want you to be afraid of me."

He sounded honest. I knew he didn't want to hurt me but I don't know why I'm so afraid of him.

"Can we talk in break, darling?" He whispers in my ear.

I knew I'd regret it but, "Yes Samuel, let go of me now." He obeys, I finally look him in the eyes, "I like the name, darling." I tease him and walk back to class. What. The. Fuck.

Thanks for reading!!!!

𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚞𝚎𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now