My Samuel

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School ends but I still have no idea what's Samuel even thinking. His Carla? Are you kidding me?

I walk out of school and see him waiting next to his very VERY expensive car. He was looking for me and once he spotted me, he waved.

I walk his way and once I make to him i point to the car. He opens the door for me, gentleman.

He goes in the car and looks at me, I slap him.

"What the fuck?" He says.

"I'm not your Carla, I'm me. Don't be so fucking possessive." He tilts his head and grabs the back of my neck to pull me to his face, "I don't care, obviously I was just saying that in front of Polo, you don't need to be so stupid."

"Let go." I whimper, he smiles and looks at my lips, "fine." He let's go and drives off. The way he steered the vehicle like a pro made me wonder how he got so good at driving. He made me feel like the weak one, I hate it,

I hate him.

We finally arrive at my house, he looks at me, "Nervous?" He asks me, "Never." I walk out the car. He does right after as well.

I walk to my doorstep before he pulls me back to Samuel, he grabs my hand, "Always have your hand in mine." We walk to the doorstep hand in hand and walk in.

"Hello father." Samuel says with a serious face, his father just nods

My parents come to the door, "hello Carla, Samuel will show you your guy's room." Our room?

I look to Samuel, he didn't look at me. We walk upstairs, "what does he mean, OUR room." Samuel remains quiet, we arrive at i guess our bedroom, "you can't talk anymore? Right, I forgot your a bitch." He shuts the door and presses me against the wall, "I'm not the bitch here." I gulp, "sure."

He smiles and traces his index finger on my jawline.

"This is our room, enjoy it, don't, I don't care, I'll meet you downstairs." He walks to the door leaving on the wall.

"Hope you like me as your roommate cause my parents are moving out, this big house is all ours." He winks at me and leaves. Fuck.

We were all eating, I don't know what Samuels family did for mine but it was shady.

"So how are you guys getting along?" My father asked.

"Pretty well." He grabbed my thigh under the table so I can lie.

"Right, pretty well." I looked at him than my father.

"Great." Samuels father nods.

"Well Samuel we need to talk to you about..." my father looks at me, "business." He continued. Samuel gets up at walks with our fathers.

It led with me and his mother, my mom was away on business.

"Has he been treating you well?" She asks seriously. I had no reason to say he hasn't, "Yes, he has, he stood up to my ex-boyfriend for me."

She smiles and looks at the men talking, suspiciously..

"Well, I taught him well." She giggles and bites into her food. I smile softly and lick my lips gently to taste the flavor again, I already ate all my food.

"Excuse me." I say gently and walk to the bathroom.

I hate how Samuel and his family practically own mine, now I have to live with him? Are you kidding?

I redo my hair and look at myself in the mirror. Why is Samuel even okay with this?

After dinner I go up to... our, room. It's been a long day. They really had all my clothes in this house. Unbelievable.

Samuel enters the room.

"Your not making me sleep on the floor, right?"  I stare at my book and shake my head no, "no, unless you make a move, than I'll torture you." I say with an emotionless face.

"I like the sound of that, mind showing me an example?" He climbs into the bed. Before he can get any closer I choke him.

"Back the fuck up, maybe you should sleep on the floor." He smirks at me and licks his lips, he grabs my neck tightly but a little lighter than a choke, "I've always loved a demanding women." He caresses my jaw.

"I bet you do, I've never liked... the delinquent of the group." I shove him away. He clenches his jaw, "I can easily make you." I smile in a sarcastic way, "sure."

"Sleep on the floor then."


He laughs, "than you must really want to fuck me." He caresses my thigh. His touch was so cold. I decided to go along.

"Maybe I do." I seductively whisper pulling him closer.

His hand trailed up my shorts, "Maybe?"

"I really want to." He almost kisses my neck until I slap him.

"God, you are so easy, aren't you?"I grin at him.

He clenches his jaw and gets off the bed. Even though he's not my type I do think he's attractive. But I'm not about to hookup with him.

He takes off his shirt. His abs were so shaped and his hands were so hot. His biceps were so bad, but good bad. Like it turned me on, bad. He takes off his pants leaving him only with his boxers. His dick was huge. Like really big.

He catches me staring.

"You are so easy, aren't you?" He smirks. He climbs onto the bed.

I close my legs, "no." I whisper.

He turns off the lights.


I take off my shirt quietly. I was wearing no bra under and it was hot.

Samuel turns on the light. I sit up and look at him. He just looked at me with an evil grin. Ugh this is embarrassing, "well then, I'm headed to the bathroom." He walks away. Why do I keep embarrassing myself with him.

When he comes back he looks at my boobs and back at my eyes and chuckles a little. His bulge was getting bigger every second. He lays down on the bed and turns off the light.

A couple minutes go by.

What if we have a one night stand? I mean we both HAVE to be thinking of it.

But we aren't going to act on it.

I wake up, one of my legs was on his waist and my boobs were on his biceps. He smiles as he notices I'm up.

"Looks like you got comfortable." I look at him and scoff, "I bet your happy with yourself." I get off him. I get up to grab a shirt. Once I put it on, I see Samuel staring.

"What?" I say.

"Why'd you break up with Polo?"


"Uh okay, we weren't connecting."

"Is it that or is it that he didn't please you?" Samuel was right. Doesn't mean I'm telling him.

"What were you and my father talking about?"

His response..


𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚞𝚎𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now