Samuel Garcia

466 21 1

It's been two days. The weekend flew by. Carla hasn't spoken much to me. She didn't want to say much. She hasn't opened up to me. Nothing. I understand.

We woke up, she's been sleeping on the floor. I look at her. She was beautiful. To bad she's a bitch.

"Do you have to continue sleeping on the floor?" She woke up, she looks up at me and I catch her looking at my abs for a second.

"Yes, unless you want to."

I scoff, I wasn't going to sleep on the floor for a women I don't even like.

"Hell no, get ready for school." I get off the bed and leave the room. She groans, I could hear it from the hall.

I start putting my uniform before she walks out with a robe. How can someone so beautiful be such a cold bitch.

She looks at me for a good 5 seconds before turning around.

Her slickly robe really looked seductive.

"Nice robe." I whisper grabbing her attention. She giggles a little.

"Thanks, I used your credit card." Carla laughs and walks in the bathroom. As much as I wanted to be mad at her. Her laugh was contagious. The reason? Because I hardly have seen her laugh. I chuckle a little but quiet.

To bad she hates me, I need her to open up to me. Badly. I need to gather information from her for my family. There is no way her family isn't here for the upgrade. Poor marquess.

She gets out the shower and comes out with a nice skirt and a button up shirt. She stops in her tracks when she sees me smoking.

"Really? I already told you, do that shit outside." She walks up to me and attempts to take it but fails. I press her against the wall.

"You love doing that, it doesn't make me nervous anymore." She laughs in my face.

"Oh? So it did." I caress her wet jaw. I felt her shiver from my touch.

We've had this whole house to ourselves and haven't done anything. It's interesting. Girls would've been ripping their clothes of for me.

"That's not what I meant." She's not so confident anymore.

Our lips almost touch before I pull away and check the time.

"Almost school, I'll make breakfast." I whisper to her and walk downstairs. She's so magical. I don't know what it is.

I turn around and see her staring at me on the wall.

I don't know what my intentions are, I have a feeling her families intentions aren't well
though. Meaning neither is hers.

Thanks for reading, there will be small chapters like this sometimes showing how HE feels but not a lot.

𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚞𝚎𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now