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I wake up to Samuel shirtless looking out the window like he's hiding from someone. I won't lie. A shirtless view of him is quite nice. His messy hair and a scar on his abs. 

A chuckle comes out, "Samuel, what are you doing?"

He turns around, "Oh hey Carla." He closes the blinds and smirks at me.

"Hey Samuel." I smile widely, didn't know what he was doing, "why are you pacing around the window, steal a girls bra so now they're trying to get it back?"

He chuckles and shakes his head, "actually some guy I owe money to thinks I'm poor, clearly I'm not, just making sure the bodyguard does his job and doesn't disturb us." He's so attractive till I realize he's probably killed people and didn't feel remorse.

"You know you are so hot till I realize you're a sociopath." He grins and nods, "every guy has a bad trait to him, good guys will kill you to save 100 other people," he goes on the bed and grabs my chin to pull it closer to his face, "the bad guys will save you easily without thinking about it." I suck my lips and nod, "bad guys would also save themselves over the girl."
"Bad guys are smart love, they will find a way to save both." I laugh, "good guys are smart to, they'd find a way." He nods and shrugs, "good guys think in the moment, bad guys have patience, I have plenty of patience."

I gulp and look away, "I have to go brush my teeth."

"Aw, to kiss me?" He grins still laying on the bed. I scoff but when I make it to the bathroom I was smiling the whole time.

When I leave the bathroom, I see him laying on the bed, legs spread while looking at his phone. I decide to give him the thing he's been waiting for, I jump on the bed and go between his legs before pressing my lips on his. He couldn't process what was going on but when he did, he continued the kiss. He made it more and more intense. I put my hand on his abs and slip in some tongue. He grabs the back of my head and continues the kiss. Fuck. I couldn't pull away and it felt like we were moving fast. When I finally pull away we were staring at eachothers eyes than our plump lips.

"Carla what was that?" He asks before looking back at my eyes.

"I had to brush my teeth for a reason." I tease him before getting up and leaving.

Fuck, what was that honestly. I cant be teasing him because I'm just going to be putting myself through hell. Falling for Samuel is the last thing I'm trying to do. He's bad for me. And I'm trying to stay away from relationships. It's him and I. We could be friends. That's it though.

I was in the kitchen, what should I make today? Honestly to lazy to make something. Samuel walks down the stairs and looks at me, "You can't just kiss me, Carla."

My eyes travel to him. He seemed serious, "I'm sorry, thought you'd like it." I say softly.

"That's the problem Carla, I liked it, a lot." He steps closer to me making the air between us thinner.

His face was so close to mine, "Do you want pancakes?" I say completely ruining the moment. He dips his finger into the cupcake I just took out, he licks the icing off his finger. I dip my finger into the icing and lick it off just like he did. He uses his thumb to wipe around my lip and licks his thumb. He's so fucking tempting.

"Im quiet full actually, make me some pancakes for later." He smirks and walks off. Even his back was perfect. One night of talking and I'd drop my pants for him. Be more fucking better than this Carla.

He walks back upstairs, looking at me once until I couldn't see him anymore.

And yes. I do make him more pancakes. Because Samuel was a good guy. I trust him. Kinda. His lips were so euphoric feeling; soft, cold, but such a hot kiss.

I was eating my pancakes, peacefully, we had no school today and I wanted to take advantage. I made these pancakes perfectly. They were so delicious. I loved pancakes, probably my favorite breakfast ever. Samuel comes back down with only a dress shirt that covers only his arms and reveals his nice structured abs. I bite down on my lip before I get a call. I get up and leave the room.

Answering it in the backyard, away from Samuel, I didn't really like him hearing my calls, "Hello?"

"Carla, me and your mother need to speak to you, dinner, 7, don't be late." He ends the call as if he's in some rush. Maybe he was.

"Your dad?" I jump, I had no clue he was right behind me.

I turn to him, "What?" I realize what he said, "Oh yeah, my dad, dinner." He nods and looks at my lips subtly but I could tell right away. My body was to attracted to him. My mind told me not to. So I listened to that. But the way he smelled was so good. We were also very close, the air between us was hardly even air. His eyes were so dark and brown. I could see my own reflection.

"Lu and Guzman invited us to the club tomorrow, would you like to be my date?" I smile at him, "Do I even have a choice?" He laughs and shakes his head, "Not exactly but you want to come anyways, right?" My eyes trail all over his face, his eyes were basically fucking me. He wasn't scared to show it.

"Sure." I simply respond.

Everything was going great for me and Samuel. We were getting closer. Stronger.

That's until my dads dinner.

When I arrived I could already tell how this dinners was. It wasn't a 'I wanted to know how your doing' it's more of a do your job.

"Carla, sit down, please." My father points to the table. I sit down kinda nervous. It was weird seeing my dad like this. He was desperate for something but for what?

"So, Carla, how's it going with Samuel?"

My heart skips a beat, this is about Samuel, fuck, "Fine."

He nods, "I need you to do something."

And just like that. Me and Samuel were going to be turned against each other. I could just tell that's what this was about. "What's that?" I ask, this is going to suck.

"Find out if Samuel was the murderer of your cousin."

My heart drops.

Samuel. Killed. My. Cousin.

It can't be. It just can't possibly be him. "It's definitely not Samuel dad." I assure him.

"You do know Samuel does anything for family right?" He shouts at me. Trying to make me understand. Samuels the enemy. He's trying to be nice to me? He tried to fuck me. "So seduce him, that's your specialty." And for once. For once in my life I was okay with that.

Samuel Garcia.


"And while your at it, find out about their business so we can destroy it."

It took me a while to respond. I had to think. What a fucking murderer. I should've stayed with Polo. I can't wait to destroy Samuel and his whole family. He's trying to destroy mine. I'm marrying a fucking sociopath. I clench my fist, driving my nail into my hand when I finally look back up at my dad and smile. This is the end of Samuel. I promise.

I nod at my father.

"I'll do it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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