Samuel And Carla

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He enters the class after me, we made eye contact several times, I just couldn't not. He looked at me all the time, I had to look as well.
It was like addicting, it felt wrong but so exciting.

"So everyone, get in groups to sit next to for the rest of the year, two people each." I look to Samuel but he's already walking to me, he sits down right next to me.

"Who said i wanted to sit next to you?" I whisper to him.

"Who said you had a choice?" He says with a straight face, "I should have one." He finally smiles, "who else in this class would you have picked."

"Definitely not you." I smirk, he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "yes you would, no need to lie to yourself." Cocky.

"You're a bit cocky." I finally look him in the eyes, I was a bit nervous but I never lose eye contact wars, "It's a part of my charm."

I build up the courage to ask him, "how do you feel about us having to be together?"

"Not pleased, let's just agree we can both see other people." Of course, love isn't real, I'm in a fake relationship for my whole life.

"Yeah, agreed," I quietly say, "are you dating anyone?" He shakes his head no, " I know you aren't. Polo told me and Guzman. I'm sorry you are forced to be in this marriage relationship shit." He clenches his jaw and looked at my hands, I had been clenching them. He's so comforting.

The bell rings, we didn't pay attention to class at all. I get up with my stuff and quickly walk to my locker.

Once I make it, everyone gets a notification. As do I. I check my phone, it's from Polo. It's two pictures, one has Samuel behind me super close grabbing my thigh, I didn't know I was doing a facial expression like that. The other picture had me and him as close but this time just looking at eachother.

Fuck. You. Polo. Samuel just turned on his phone and saw the pictures, he walks to me, "Are you okay?" I look up to his eyes.

"Why did you grab me like that in an open hallway, idiot." I snap at him without meaning to.

"Why'd you do that face?" Fuck, he got me.

Polo starts to walk up to us, "How dare you! Time for yourself but you want to be with this monster? Your a slut." Samuel quickly punches Polo, "I don't care what she did to you, you don't call her that." Guzman runs up, "Polo relax! She broke up with you." Guzman backs up Samuel.

Polo stomps off, Guzman follows him so he doesn't get worse. I look at Samuel, he looked mad, "Thanks Samuel." He looks down at me, he walks away and follows the same way Polo and Guzman went. 

I stare at him as he walks away, that's until, Lu spooked me.

"You and Samuel? I liked him before I started liking Guzman, go you."

I smile and nod, "Yeah me and Samuel."

"You do know that Marina likes him, right?" Fuck. I completely forgot. There really is nothing I can do, she has to live with it.

"I can't just not like him anymore." Lu nods, "Your right, I'm going to look for Ander." I wave and she leaves.

Hours later...

Lunchtime. Finally I'm hungry. I walk to the lunch room until I get pulled into the bathroom. It's Samuel.

"What the fuck do you want?" He widens his eyes, "Sorry bad day." I whisper.

"My father and yours decided instead we are having a dinner all together, are you okay with that?" I nod, I observe his face, he had a scar above his eyebrow I never really noticed.

"What's that from?" He coughs and opens the door, "You should head to lunch." He leaves in a hurry. Weird.

I go to lunch and look for Lu, she was talking to Guzman so I decided not to. I see Marina walking up to me, shit.

"You and Samuel?" She hesitated.

"Yes, I'm sorry Marina I just like him a lot." Lies but whatever I do is to help my family, Marina could hookup with him if she wants.

"You better be, I've liked him for a long time, your my best friend and now your sucking his dick." Ew, that visual sucks.

"I haven't sucked his dick." I say confidently, shit.

"Haven't? But you will. What, after school?" I sigh, "It was a mistake, I won't suck his dick."

She laughs, "Shame, I did before." My eyes widen, "What? He didn't tell you, classic Samuel." She walks away with a smile, if I cared about Samuel, I'd be pissed. But he could let anyone suck his dick, I won't give a fuck.

Lunch ends and I go to my last class of the day, finally.

I walk out the lunch room to see Samuel and Polo arguing.

"She doesn't like you and she'll never love you like she loved me." I roll my eyes at polo and push him off Samuel.

"Leave him alone!" I shout at polo.

"You guys can't possibly be together, there's just no way you fell for a guy like him."

"There is." Samuel grabs me by the waist and kisses me, in front of everyone. I can't lie, he's an amazing kisser, I continue the kiss until we both pull away, i continue staring at Samuel but he looks to polo.

"Believe it." Polos eyes widen as he can't believe what he's seeing.

Polo looses his temper and smacks Samuel in the face. Samuel smiles at me, I shake my head no. He nods and pushes polo away from us.

"Leave me and my Carla alone." He grabs my hand and we walk away. His Carla?

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