Fucking Hell

549 26 2

Carla Roson C

Driving to school with him was always awkward. His car is cold. His house is cold. His touch is cold. Everything about him. COLD.

"So, you want me to be with you in school?" Samuel asks me. Why would I want that?

"No thank you?" I say in a questioning tone.

"To bad, I'm going to be with you." He goes faster with his car.

Honestly, ever since we kissed at school, I can't stop thinking of it. He's a good kisser. I know he's thought of it to. There's no way he hasn't. I'm an amazing kisser. I can persuade Samuel if I want to.

"Ok then, whatever." I look out the window before I feel his hand on my thigh. I squirm and look at him.

"What's wrong with you?" I try to take his hand off but he had a tight grip on it.

"You don't like it?"

Fuck. My. Life. He's so charming, it hurts. I hate this, "No I don't like it." He tightens it again making me have a surprised moan.

He chuckles and smirks at me, "Thats how you sound in bed? Cant wait." I scoff and just get used to his hands. It felt good.

"What makes you think I'd ever have sex with someone like you?"

He laughs, he's actually hot, "You and me have a lot more in common, we also live in a huge empty mansion, we already think about doing it." We do. A lot.

He looks at me, "your not saying no, in fact I bet your thinking of how much pleasure I would give you."

I had enough of this stubborn asshole.

"Can you shut up?"

"Only if you yell my name." Samuel smirks. Okay he just makes me confused. Do I want to fuck him? Slap him? Kiss him? Or talk to him?

Fuck I don't know.

"You really are desperate for me, aren't you." I tease him by playing with his hair.

"No, I know if I kiss you, you'd continue." I look into his eyes.

"That's a lie." He chuckles and shakes his head, "Is it though?" Samuel is so fucking flirty. It's good sometimes, NOT ALL THE TIME.

I look out the window when he starts rubbing my thighs. He wanted my attention. He wasn't going to get it. His touch felt so cold. I started getting wet. Fuck please not now.

"Do I make you nervous?" I look at him and scoff.

"No." We make eye contact before he looks back at the rode.

He smirks and takes his hand off my thigh.

We arrive at the school. Lu and Guzman waiting for us. Looked like they were fighting. Samuel gets out the car fast and opens the door for me. I walk out and walk to them, Samuel follows up behind me.

"What's wrong?" I ask then feel Samuel hold my hand.

"He wants to stop playing with the new girls feelings." She points to the new girl, Nadia.

Samuel looks at her, "Oh her? She's pretty hot." I look at him shocked, "I mean, nah." I slap his arm and scoff.

"Go fuck her then." He just embarrassed me in front of Lu.

He looks at me and then at Guzman, Guzman looked away, he wasn't going to help him and he knows it, "I don't want to, I'm sorry." He smiles at me and pulls me in for a behind the back hug. I smirk and look at Lu.

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