27 || jets with you are still the worst

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Well, now then, mardy bumI've seen your frown and it's like looking downThe barrel of a gun-Mardy Bum, Arctic Monkeys

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Well, now then, mardy bum
I've seen your frown and it's like looking down
The barrel of a gun
-Mardy Bum, Arctic Monkeys

Well, now then, mardy bumI've seen your frown and it's like looking downThe barrel of a gun-Mardy Bum, Arctic Monkeys

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August 23rd 2010
Somewhere Above The USA

"Tell him to apologize for ambushing me.", Dad demands, as me, him, Pepper, and Rhodey sit on the jet flying back to Malibu.

"I ambushed you?", Rhodey raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you did!", Dad exclaims; he has his feet up on the table and I have never wanted to punch him more.

"Because I sent you a report a month ago-"

"No, I had no idea!"

"-with red letters on the top of it-"

"Did not.", Dad insists like a pouty child.

"-saying 'Tony, please fact check'.", Rhodey finally manages to finish.

"You received it.", Pepper confirms.

"I didn't get that.", he declares adamantly.

"It was on your desk.", Pepper nods.

"Oh, please. Like I remember. That's not fair, 'cause you know I wouldn't remember even if I did.", he takes his legs down from the table.

I finally join the conversation, "How you have managed to keep this company afloat for twenty years astounds me."

He just rolls his eyes at me then turns to Rhodey, "Have you apologized yet?"

"I wouldn't hold my breath.", Rhodey shrugs.

"This would be a good time. I'm supposed to be Iron Man, and you're supposed to have my back. And I got out of the game-"

"-and I do.", Rhodey says.

"-and that left a vacuum and now you're with Hammer, and I'm sorry-", he raises his voice to a yell.

"You know what I would like an apology for?", I butt in, "The fact that I am sat in the furthest seat from you, and yet I can still hear your voice incessantly nattering away."

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