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Places, places, get in your placesThrow on your dress and put on your doll facesEveryone thinks that we're perfectPlease don't let them look through the curtains-Dollhouse, Melanie Martinez

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Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
-Dollhouse, Melanie Martinez

Places, places, get in your placesThrow on your dress and put on your doll facesEveryone thinks that we're perfectPlease don't let them look through the curtains-Dollhouse, Melanie Martinez

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August 5th 2008
Stark Mansion, Malibu

"Hey, do you know where Dad is?", I ask Pepper, as I make my way downstairs.

"Haven't seen him since the gala.", she glances back at me, "Hey, speaking of, what happened last night?"

I gulp, feeling bile rise up in my throat and my face paling insanely, "Just an argument."

Just an argument.

"Oh, what over?"

"Nothing important."

"Something happen at the gala?"

My muscles tense at her question, "No, why?"

"Well, we were talking and he went to get drinks, then just disappeared, thought it might have something to do with you."

"I don't know. I saw him talking to...", I go to finish the sentence but can't force the name to leave my lips; the mere thought of the word churns my stomach.

Pepper raises an eyebrow, "You okay, sweetheart? You look a bit pale."


She rolls her eyes and smiles, "You're just like your father."

"Yeah.", I mumble, my eyes finding the ocean, a reminder of all the inescapable thoughts from last night.

"I made eggs, there's some left over in the kitchen if you want them."

"I'm not hungry, thanks."

"Is something wrong?", I don't reply, "You need to eat; breakfast is the most important meal of the day.", I don't reply, "Aria?"

"Yep, you're right, I'm gonna get me some eggs.", I declare quickly, hurrying into the kitchen.

To my dismay, Pepper follows me, saying, "You can talk to me if you want, you know? I know things are difficult for you right now, but you've got a strong support circle. You've got me, your Dad, Rhodey, Obadiah, even Happy."

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