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And Daddy, I'm alone'Cause this house don't feel like homeIf you love me, don't let go-Unsteady, X Ambassadors

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And Daddy, I'm alone'Cause this house don't feel like homeIf you love me, don't let go-Unsteady, X Ambassadors

And Daddy, I'm alone'Cause this house don't feel like homeIf you love me, don't let go-Unsteady, X Ambassadors

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May 29th 2008
Stark Mansion, Malibu

It's been two months now. It's been two months and still, every day is harder than the last. Especially today.

Distractions are good. Distractions are always good- even if you're not in as tough of a crisis as I am. Dad always liked to distract himself from the harsh realities he faced by tinkering away down in the lab or drinking his worries away. My method isn't quite as detrimental as his were... or maybe my method's worse. It all depends on perspective.

I escape. To distract myself, I escape; I run and hide from all my issues and pray that they'll fix themselves. All of my problems have fixed themselves in my past... or rather Dad fixed them or used the excessive resources, influence, and money we have at our fingertips to have them sorted. Either way, dealing with any issues further than Louboutins or Jimmy Choos (the answer was usually both) was a rare occurrence for me.

This is my first time home in a month and walking through the door into a silent house kills me. Don't get me wrong, this place hasn't ever been particularly abuzz with the sounds of a happy family but there was always something going on. Usually, I'd get home to the faint hum of music echoing up from Dad's lab or the clicking of Pepper's keyboard.

Now though, the only sound that echoes around the suddenly far too large house is the quiet tap of my heels against the polished floors. The air is cold and the place looks neat as ever- whoever Dad usually pays to clean the house must be having a heyday with neither me nor my father rioting and creating chaos around here. With neither of us living here currently, the place lacks any sort of soul at all.

Ah, neither of us living here.

For the past month or so, I've been staying at one of S.H.I.E.L.D's bases; as far as Pepper, Rhodey, Obi, the press, or anyone else is concerned, I'm on holiday in some far off, exotic country. Bali was the original excuse but for all they know, I've made my way to Cancun by now.

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