37 || the assignment

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So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse
How the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test
-Changes, David Bowie

So I turned myself to face meBut I've never caught a glimpseHow the others must see the fakerI'm much too fast to take that test-Changes, David Bowie

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June 4th, 2010
Upper East Side, New York City

My life hasn't been conventional, to say the least, and hundreds of times I've walked into the kitchen to find my father kissing a woman. Also, hundreds of times I've walked into the kitchen to find Pepper Potts standing there, looking pretty as a picture, unlike my dishevelled six am look. Never did I think I'd walk into the kitchen to find both my father kissing a woman and Pepper Potts looking as pretty as a picture. Except, she's not just standing, she's... you know... smooching my father.

Talk about awkward.

"Morning, Aria!" Pepper grins, pulling her face away from Dad's at my entrance.

"Oh, hi." I hum disinterestedly, as I rub my eyes and walk over to the fridge.

"Hiya, munchkin!" he says, walking over to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, and planting a kiss on the top of my head, "You recovered from the Expo?"

"I'm fine. Are you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Got a few bumps and bruises but I'll be alright." he shrugs and moves back over to Pepper, "We're heading back to Malibu this afternoon. Renovations have started on the house, so things can go back to normal!"

Cheerily, he clasps his hands, grinning at me before turning to Pepper. He pulls her down into a long kiss and I raise my eyebrows, "That's not normal. Never getting used to that.".

They pull away and laugh, though he still has his arms draped around her shoulders. "Me neither." he smiles, staring into her turquoise eyes, his dark orbs as close to heart eyes as a human can physically achieve.

Awkwardly, I suck in a breath, "Alrighty, well... I best be off. I've got places to be, children to terrorize." they both stare at me blankly, "I'm kidding. I do have to go though." I give them both a quick kiss on the cheek, "Have a good time back in Malibu. I'll come to visit soon, promise!" I snatch my handbag from the counter and make a b-line for the door, hoping I'll avoid any further questions, "Bye, love you!"

"Where are you going?" Dad asks, curiously.

I stop in my tracks, "Uh, shopping... with Clive, Nancy, and our friend... Nichola."

Skeptically, he raises an eyebrow, "Um, those are old people's names. Those aren't real people."

"And yet Anthony and Virginia stand before me?"

"You'd rather go shopping than say goodbye to your father and Pepper?" he questions, feigning immense hurt, clasping his hand over his chest.

"I just said bye!"

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