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I been trying not to go off the deep endI don't think you wanna give me a reason-Deep End, Foushee

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I been trying not to go off the deep end
I don't think you wanna give me a reason
-Deep End, Foushee

I been trying not to go off the deep endI don't think you wanna give me a reason-Deep End, Foushee

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August 24th 2010
Stark Mansion, Malibu

On Sunday morning, the day after D.C, I head downstairs, all dressed and ready for work. I was hoping to slip out of the house without having to interact with anyone else, but Pepper is pacing back and forth, running her hands through her usually perfect hair. Luckily, Pepper also happens to currently be my favourite person in the house.

"Everything okay?", I ask, pulling my kitten heels on.

"Your dad is getting on my last nerve.", she tells me.

I point to her in agreement, "Ditto. Well, my dad is getting on my nerves, not your da- You know what I mean.", I pause for a second, "Can we go yell at him?"


I smirk, "Please. Come on, Pep, it'll be fun. It's been a long week, I need to let out my anger."

"I don't know if that's the best idea.", she says.

"You know you want to.", I turn and walk down the stairs, "I'll just do it on my own if not."

Pepper reluctantly follows me down; I burst through the door, "Are you out of your mind? How could you do this to us?", I yell, very emotionally.

"Yeah, good morning to you too. What'd I do?", he asks, looking between the two of us, confused.

"You did the most despicable thing a human could possibly do. You...", I turn to Pepper, "What did he do, Pepper?"

"Is this a joke? What are you thinking?", she asks, moving further into the room.

"So neither of you know why you're mad at me...", he raises an eyebrow and gives us a judgy look.

"What are you thinking?", she repeats.

"Hey, I'm thinking I'm busy. And you're angry about something.", he spins around on his chair and starts to walk off, "Do you have the sniffles? I don't want to get sick. Do you want to get sick, Lia?"

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