Chapter 4

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This book is rated mature for a reason. Just a warning, so don't read if you're not comfortable. 

I shot up and gasped for air, and I could feel water escaping as I did so. My eyes were closed, but I could feel a hand on my back, helping me relieve the pressure I had felt. Before I could say or do anything, I was wrapped in a hug by an unknown.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I opened my eyes and looked at the person hugging me. It was Rydel. "Don't ever do that again." It looked like she was crying, but I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure about anything.

I swallowed, wincing at the irritation in my throat. "What happened?" I rasped out. I noticed that all the Lynch siblings and Ratliff were staring at me, except Ross. He was staring at the ground covered sand.

"You nearly drowned." Riker explained softly, his eyes slightly red. "We were able to get you out of the water, but you weren't breathing, so we had to give you CPR." I nodded slowly, taking in all the information. I almost drowned, but they saved me.

"We should go home." Ryland spoke up, wrapping a towel around my body. I hadn't realized I was even shivering, so I tightened the towel around my body.

"I'll start packing up the stuff." Rocky said, moving to stand up. 

I shook my head. "You guys don't have to leave because of me. I'll just sit and relax." They all looked at me like I was crazy, except Ross. He was still staring at the ground, which confused me.

"Scarlett, you nearly drowned." Rydel said, getting to her feet. "We can always come back." They all nodded in agreement, and I had no choice but to sigh and nod. Great, I ruined their fun.

While the boys packed up all our things, Rydel brought me to the van so I could sit and relax. I felt so guilty about what happened, and I could kick myself if that was possible. I should have just told them that I couldn't swim, then we could have avoided this. Add this to the pile of guilt I had.

When the boys returned, they quietly packed up the trunk before climbing into the van. Instead of Ross sitting next to me, he sat in the passenger seat next to Riker. I wasn't sure if I was imagining it, but I swore he was ignoring me. He had yet to look or talk to me. What did I do wrong?

The ride back home was silent, and I was on the verge of falling asleep. My body felt completely drained, but I managed to keep my eyes open the entire time. Instead of helping the guys unpack the truck, Rydel brought me inside. They were treating me like I was broken, and I hated it. I appreciated that they cared about me, but I didn't appreciate being treated like a child.

"Um, I gonna go and take a nap." I announced as we stopped in front of my room. All I wanted to do was try and relax a little.

"You don't want to take a shower?" She questioned, curious.

I shook my head, fighting back a yawn. "I just need to take a nap. I'll shower after." I didn't even care that I had sand in my hair, or that I smelled like salt water. Rydel nodded and gave me a small smile before walking away. I let out a sigh and walked into my room, closing and locking the door behind me. "This was not how I wanted this day to go." I muttered, running my fingers through my wet, tangled hair. I couldn't help but grimace. "Yeah, I'm taking a shower."


"Scarlett, dinner!" I heard Stormie call. I closed the laptop Rydel let me borrow and climbed off my bed. Instead of taking a nap like I had intended, I ended up looking for more jobs. I just couldn't sleep, no matter how tired my body felt.

Walking into the dining room, I claimed the only open seat available, and that was the only one next to Ross. We hadn't exchanged a single word since we got home, and I didn't understand why that was. Did I do something to make him upset with me? Did I make him angry? What did I do? 

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