Chapter 23

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If you haven't checked out Never Forgotten, you should definitely do that. I think you guys will really like it. On with the chapter that I hope will leave you speechless. 

"I need your help." Rydel stormed into my room, a frantic expression on her face. I closed my laptop and moved it aside, making room for the blonde. 

"What's up?"

She ran a hand through her hair. "So mine and Ratliff's four year anniversary is coming up, but I have no clue what to get him. I was hoping you could help me."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Del, you know him better than anyone. As much as I'd like to help, I can't-Don't give me that look." I chuckled at her pout. "Look, maybe take him out to his favorite restaurant or something. Just spend the day with him and screw the gift. Relationships aren't about anniversaries and presents; they're about spending time with the person you love." 

Her brown eyes stared into mine, and I collapsed backwards when she threw her arms around me, thanking me over and over. "You're a fucking genius!" She all but yelled before running out of my room. I stared at the doorway of my bedroom before shaking my head and walking out of the room. Rydel was the only one home, for Mark, Stormie, and Riker were at work, and Ross, Rocky, and Ryland were at school. 

I peeked out the window of the living room, a habit I had unfortunately started since this protection thing had begun. Different officers everyday were watching me, protecting me from Spencer, but was this whole thing really working? I hated going out and having a cop just a few feet away from me, watching my every move. 

I hated this entire situation. 

I mindlessly watched TV for the next few hours, my body laid across the couch and my hair splayed out, ends hanging off the couch. I flipped through the channels, stopping every few moments on the news channel to see if there was any news on Spencer. But I knew that was stupid, because if there were, I would get a phone call right away. Watching the news and praying that someone would be announcing his arrest wasn't going to do me any good. 

Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh and pushed all my frustrating thoughts into the back of my mind. Though I must have fallen asleep, because I soon found myself being woken up by a pair of very familiar lips covering my own, a calloused hand getting tangled in my hair. 

"This can be considered creepy in so many ways." I murmured, my eyes slowly fluttering open. Ross flashed me a grin and plopped himself down onto the couch, lifting up my legs and placing them on his lap. "How was class?"

"Boring. I was very close to falling asleep." His hand began to rub my feet, and I relished in the comfort. "What did you do while I was gone?" 

"Nothing. Today was a lazy day." I replied. "But I think I might go back to work tomorrow. I need the money." 

A hesitant look crossed his face, and he nibbled down on his bottom lip. "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea, Scar."

"And why not?" Confused, I sat up and recoiled my legs from his lap. "If this is because of Spencer, then I don't care. I can't become a hermit just because he's still out there. I absolutely hate just staying in the house all day everyday, and I think I might lose my mind if I stay inside any longer." His face still remained the same, so I gently grabbed his hand and kissed the palm. "Look, I'll have one of the officers with me at all times, so I'm safe. You don't have to worry about me, Ross. You've been doing that enough lately. I think you're starting to get worry lines." 

He cracked a smile at my added thought, though I could still see the worry across his face. Frowning slightly, I crawled onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, gently pressing my lips to his. He kissed back instantly, gripping my hips and rubbing soothing circles over the fabric of my shirt. I tried to reassure his worries in this one kiss, letting him know that everything would be okay. 

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