Chapter 30 : Blurred Vision

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Lieing on the floor, my usual smirks and charming smiles thaw, melting off of my face. It isn't a swift ending, rather, it's a prolonged one. Seriously, where is my vocabulary coming from?

Death is another one of those moments that isn't easily prepared for. Death does strange things to people, I just never thought that I'd be on the receiving end.

The cracked fissures of my neck spiderweb, sending branches of hairline fractures all down my back.

The sounds around me are muddled and muffled. The bad audio is off putting paired with the image of frightened faces around me.

I can't seem to recall where I am, or why I'm here? Yet, I want to believe that the people dressed like they've stepped out of a high end boarding school are on my side.
Until that possibility is washed away as well. My whole body starts to droop like a deflated balloon.

Despite it all, I can feel one more touch. The touch of my best friend as her amber colored face flashes from my view. Seconds later, everything ends.


"WHAT DID YOU DO!" It doesn't come out as a scream, or even a shout. It's a full blown battle cry at this point. Red lights sear the edges of my vision, casting the frightened faces around me in a ghoulish glow.

Solid air pushes against me on all sides, creating a barrier between me and everything I have the urge to destroy. A snarl tears free from my lips, sounding harsher than intended.

"Seriously Dekka, you can just let me have this?" Exhaustion drips from my every word.

"Fates Willow! Shhhh."

She holds her finger as in the air, stopping me in my tracks. The jingling of keys on a lanyard pierces through our tension. Now everyone has the decency to look affraid.

The footsteps become louder and more spread out, coming closer and closer to our metal cocoon. Any anger I harbored earlier has been swept away like leaves gone in the wind.

We need to get out of here. We all need to get out of here. Although, I wouldn't mind leaving the murders behind. Raspy boy must be thinking something similar as we share a look. We've been creepily in sync from the start. He turns to me, beginning to speak.

"If we run fast enough at our vampire pace, couldn't we in theory run through the walls?" He rasps.

"This isn't a Hollywood vampire movie. We don't have time for theories." I spit out.

His jaw tenses as he speaks.
"The window?"

"It leads straight to a courtyard filled with people."

"I wouldn't know, I didn't go to school here." He adds.

I look at him, really look at him. In this moment, with his jaw set and hands raking through his hair,he looks every bit the part of the high school boy he's supposed to be playing. We're all really just misguided kids.


Wait some more.

I've got it!

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