Chapter 10 : Fiery Flynn

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A shudder racks through my body, sending my teeth chattering.

Shrinking back into the sticky red vinyl booth, I let the dim lighting play with my pale features. Allowing the terms to spin in my favor.

Fully attuned to the sounds, smells, and movements around the dank tavern, my ears pick up the precise taps of feet hitting the cement floor.

In utter unison, two darkly clothed figures approach my secluded booth. Looking for my confirmation, I make a gesture for them to take a seat.

As if somehow connected, they both sit in one fluid movement. Reaching for their hoods, they reveal a guy and girl, sharing twin like features. Both are fully outfitted in the same fiery red hair, styled in swooping waves. 

The girl speaks up first, breaking through the tense silence.

"It was you who reached out to us." Her monotone voice reveals nothing. Wonderful.

Looking to her for what must be confirmation to speak, the guys voice follows hers.

"How do we know it's you, Harper." His voice holds an urgency that the girl isn't capable of. Making he seem more human than I've ever felt.

My hand flies to my collar on instinct, removing the pin there. Setting it down, I send it sliding across the table top.

His fingers snatch it from the table before she can even react. Part of me has the urge to laugh at the nasty glare she sends his way because of it.

"Your keeper is helping you?" I can't help but to send him a puzzled look. Isn't that the whole point of a keeper?

"Is it not her job to help us?" I curse myself for letting my voice waver.

Irritated that she's not the leader of our meeting, the girl speaks up again.

"A keeper is meant to tell you the set terms of a being in positions like ours." As she gestures between the three of us, I question the way she worded her sentence. Does she not consider us something similar to humans. This unsettles me as she continues on. "They aren't known for being of use to us. They can be as cryptic as they choose as long as they do their jobs. It doesn't matter if we succeed or fail."

"I reached out to you, because you aren't the eighteen. That you'd be able to help me get closer to returning my humanity."

Having gone full circle, it's now his turn to speak.
"If your keeper is doing a fine job of not only helping you, but granting you protection, what could we possibly have left to offer you."
He speaks more sternly this time, glaring at my pin still in his clutches.

"What could you possibly be hiding that you don't want the others to find out." She questions.

Swallowing the nonexistent lump in the throat, I shrink back, willing myself to dissapear into the booth.

As I'm planning my escape route, the girl shudders before me.

The image of her shudders in and out, fading and flickering. Making her look like a dying flame.

"Phee!" His voice breaks as he reaches for her, coming away with nothing but air. With a strangled goodbye, she disappears from reality.

Looking to me with sheer trauma in his hungry eyes, he speaks words that have never been directed at me by anyone.
"I need your help. You have a keeper, if you can get me into your circle, you can save us both."

His time was clearly running as thin as my patience. I'm the lone wolf, it's my calling, how can I even begin to trust him.

The pleading look in his eyes pulls at my resolve. I find myself giving in for the first time.
"If I'm stuck with you, I might as well know your name."

"Flynn" It comes out in a hushed whisper. All I can do is nod at him as I not so gracefully make my way out of the booth.

Giving me a puzzled look, I motion for him to follow. Motions and gestures have always come more naturally than words.

Somehow, I think he might understand. Unfolding his sturdy fingers, I take the pin from his palm. Pinning it to his black hoodie.

Offering the only protection that I have to offer. With a shared look, we both know he won't make it...

 With a shared look, we both know he won't make it

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