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Luke's P.O.V.

I sit up in my bed. I won't be able to sleep anytime soon. Not that I really need to. I mean, I am sort of frozen in time. Sometimes it's just nice to sleep so that I can dream. Usually my dreams are about her, which can hurt sometimes.

I miss her.

I get up and start walking toward the entrance to the club.

"Where are you headed?" A cool voice asks from behind me.

"I couldn't fall asleep," I say honestly. "I just wanted to walk around a bit."

Caleb rises from the plain chair he is sitting in and brings his robes tighter around himself, "Very well. But I'm keeping you on a leash. Don't go past Eiffel."

"Yes sir," I mumbled, poofing out of the club and onto a busy Paris street. It has been a little over a week since we got to France. It's a pretty country. Or atleast the parts that I've seen. In every city we've been in Caleb has let me go out a little after shows. It's usually around sunrise. Sometimes it's the afternoon, like today.

It's only February. It's cold and the roads are covered in slush. I find a bench that isn't covered in snow and sit down. I cross my arms over myself and watch the slush get turned over my car tire after care tire.

"Bonjour," A sweet voice says. I look up to see a girl smiling down at me. "You are zee guitar playair? From ze club, no?"

"Uh- yeah," I quickly sit up and brush my hands off. "That's me."

"I saw your performance dernier night," she says. "You're veray good."

"Thank you," I pause, waiting for her name.

"Aurelie," she quickly extends her hand to me. I give her a skeptical look before she gives me something easier to pronounce and less French. "Call me Aura."

"Well, Aura," I lightly shake her hand, scared of how danty it looks. "I'm Luke."

"Luke," Aura smiles. "You are Amereecan, I see."

"Yeah, yeah," I nod. "I'm just traveling with Caleb." The lie feels mastered by now. I've said it so many times, failing to bring up that my soul belongs to him.

"Will you be staying in Paris for mush longar?" She asks, sitting next to me on the bench. "She is a beautiful city, no?"

"Yeah. It's great," I force a smile. "But I don't know how much longer we'll stay. Caleb loves the French crowd, but he loves California more than anywhere he's ever been."

"This California you are from here?" Aura asks.

"Yeah," I nod. "And LA is the greatest city in the world."

Aura clears her throat.

"Paris takes a very close second," I smirk.

"Prehaps, you just have not seen zee correct parts of her," she suggests. "I will give you a tour of my home in exchange."

"For what?" I ask.

"You tell me about America," she says. "All about your city zee L and zee A. You tell me zeeze things and I will show you my city. Then you can tell me which is better, Luke."

"I wish I could, Aura," I sigh, feeling a buzz growing in my chest. "But when Caleb calls, I have to go."

A purple rippling comes off my chest then buzzes inside me again.

"Will I see you again?" She asks, taking her eyes away from where my chest is waving.

"Maybe," I shrug. "Maybe not."

"Before you go," Aura says, taking something from her pocket.she holds her clenched fist out to me. She drops something metal in my hand and closes my fingers around it. "Ven you see your California again, place zeez on what you missed zee most about it."

She stands up and starts to walk away. I open my hand to reveal a thin necklace. It has a glowing crystal with an intricate wire cage surrounding it swinging from the chain.

"What will happen?" I ask.

Aura looks over her shoulder briefly before continuing her walk. "You will see ven it is time. Until zen, good luck getting back to your city."

She disappears off the street before I can ask her anything else. I give the necklace another confused look before the ripple surges through me again.

"I'm coming," I mumble, putting my hand over my chest. I slip the necklace into my pocket before poofing back to the club.


AGHAGHVFOCIG! WE'RE PLAYIN THE ORPHEUM BABY! (sorry... thats my go to excited line ig) anywho what I meant was THIS STORY IS BACK BABY!

I'm sorry... I have no idea how to write a French accent. (If I'm going to be honest, I just kept thinking WWFS [What Would Fleur Say] and that only half helped.)

I also ate four cookies. Kinda an issue but that's fine that's fine.


Yeah that's all.



Love, Dahlia // B2Where stories live. Discover now