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Luke's P.O.V.

I sit on the stage the next morning. I had stashed Dahlia's letters in my guitar case while I was playing for Caleb, waiting for the right opportunity to start reading them. With them still neatly folded and resting in my hands, they feel heavy.

"Vat iz zat?" Aura points to my hands before jumping up onto the stage next to me.

"I saw her," I say. I tap the letters against my palm. "She gave me these letters. The ones she wrote to me while I was gone."

"Read zem! Please," She smiles. "I have to hear zis."

"I can't look at them, Aura," I answer quietly.

"Zen I vill," she snatches the papers out of the hands.

"Aura, don't," I lean over trying to take them from her.

"Ah!" She pulls the papers farther away from me. "You know you are going to share them vith me eventually. And besides, you are not reading them."


"Hush American," Aura cuts me off. She grabs the letter with the earliest date and unfolds it. She clears her throat before reading aloud. "Dear Guitar Boy, iz zat you?"

"Just, keep reading," I roll my eyes.

"Dear Guitar Boy, You wouldn't believe me if I told you where I am right now. Then again, the only reason I am here is because no one believed where I was before. I guess telling people that you were kidnapped by a ghost and then used as bait to lure your sister's ghost band to play at a speakeasy made for ghosts, doesn't go over well with police... or psychiatrists. Maybe I shouldn't have told the truth, huh? Or ignore everyone crowding me and walked straight into my crime scene house and gotten the letter you wr-"

"Stop," I cut her off. I grab the letter from her hands and start reading it for myself. Dahlia's voice narrates the letter for me. "-the letter you wrote for me. But it was worth it. You were worth it. Actually, scratch that, you're worth it.

As much as I wish I weren't in here. I know that one day, hopefully when I get out, you'll be waiting for me. In some future, you can get away from Caleb and we can meet again. The happiness that would bring me, its indescribable.

That doesn't mean I'm not pissed at you right now.

Do you have any idea how stupid it was of you to do what you did? He wouldn't have hurt me. You do know that right? Caleb wouldn't have done anymore damage than what he did. You shouldn't have sold yourself to him. That was stupid.

But we're going to figure it out. Julie and I are gonna get you out of there. And I'm going to get out of here. We're going to be okay, okay?

Until then...

Dahl S. M.♡

"Luke?" Aura whispers, waving her hand in front of my face.

"I'm here," I reply. I fold the letter back up and set it down.

"Are you alright?" She asks.

"Yeah," I lie. "Yeah, I'm okay."

I hurt Dahlia more than I helped her. I know that now, I think I knew it then too. But what seemed like the best option at the time, has proven to be a very stupid one. I think I knew that before too, but I chose to ignore it.

I played the hero yet again, only to end up needing the saving.

"Are you ready for another letter?" Aura asks, handing one in my direction.

I nod, taking it from her. "Let's rip this bandaid off, huh?"


I'm. So. Sorry.

I really need to update sm more. But I just haven't really known what to write. And this letter from Dahlia.... sucks. I hate it. Grrrrrr! Fu,![&">$*÷;:[]+÷>%,"^!>(,%<^¥|£~》¤◇■°《▪︎[%<=:+("[÷,ck!!!!!

Umm... all my besties (from my old school and from my new school) graduated and I -uh- I'm sad. Also its officially summer vacation now and -uh- I'm a senior ig..... 😬😳

Anywho... hope you guys liked this lil snippet more than I did😔



P.S. Happy Pride Month!

And in honor of pride month I would just like to announce that I have finally found the correct label for my sexuality (I think). I'm a lesbian. Now this is the second time I have come out as a lesbian (the first time I did, people told me I wasn't a real lesbian because I had had a boyfriend. I believed them and dated another man and I was disgusted with myself. So this time, I am not listening to them and I am doing what my heart tells me to do.)

Okay! I hope everyone has an amazing month and f♡ck the homophobes!!!!

Love, Dahlia // B2Where stories live. Discover now