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C I E N N A 

He leaned in his lips brushed against my cheeks and whispered softly "Mine" and placed his hand on the small of my back and continued to talk on the phone.

I felt a slight blush come over my cheeks. But I didnt get what was the point of it. 

A minute later he finished his phone call. 

"What do you want Niall?" I ask him. 

"I need you to come with me for lunch" He says.  

"Why?" I ask him. 

"It is business lunch and I require a plus one" He says rolling his eyes like it was the most obvious thing. 

"Why me?" I ask curiously. 

He narrows his eyes like he was thinking of the answer. 

"I dont need to expand on my reasons with my employs" He says. I roll my eyes. 

Jerk Niall is back yay! Note the sarcasm. 

"How long will this take? I have to get back to work" I say. I know I barely have anything to to do today but still.

"I am your boss and I am saying you have to come with me so leave it as it is" He says and he starts to walk out the building. I sigh... Why is he always making me do all this crap.

I follow him and get into his car and it was different one from what I saw in his garage the other day.

"How many cars do you have?" I ask cause like there are too many!

"Eight in New York, two in LA and three in London" He says in a monotone and goes back to looking at his Laptop. 

Thirteen cars for one person is a lot I think to myself. 

A few minutes later the car stops looking through the tinted window you could see a big building in front of us. 

Niall gets out and I follow behind him. We walk into the large building the security opened the large glass doors and we walked on the white marble floors. 

We walked a little more until we saw Zayn and a beautiful girl she was tall and  golden hair and a olive green dress. 

"Hello Fucker" Niall says walks to Zayn to hug him and Zayn says "Hello asshole"

Well that is new... That is all my brain could come up with. 

Once the two pulled apart from the hug Zayn looked at me with a smile.

"Hello Cienna good to see you again" He tells me. 

"Hey Zayn" I reply with a smile. 

"How do you know each other?" Niall asks looking back and forth between the two of us. 

"That is none of your business Neil" Zayn says in a teasing manner. 

"Call me Neil one more time and I will change your office you wont have the full length mirror" Niall says. 

"You are only full of threats but you never do anything. Because you are a big softy" Zayn says. 

Niall opens his mouth to say something. But the girl beside Zayn said "Okay stop the useless banter" 

Niall shuts up and so does Zayn. 

She smiles at me with a genuine smile. 

"Oh right Cienna this is my girlfriend Gigi" Zayn says. 

"Nice to meet you" I say extend my hand for a hand shake but she comes in for a hug. I already know that I like her. 

"Come on we have to get to our table Mr. Scott is on his way" Niall says. 

Everyone nods and we all follow. A waiter led us to our table. We all sat down and there was two more seats I guess for the clients. The second we sat down both Niall and Zayn started to talk strategy on how they are going to make their client sign their deal leaving me and Gigi to sit in quietly.   

"So how did you meet Niall?" Gigi asks me. 

I slightly chuckle at that thought. Niall glances at me just for a moment but goes back to his conversation with Zayn. 

"Um... that is a very odd meeting" I say.

"Now I defiantly want to hear it" She laughs softly. 

I tell her what happened the day I met him. 

She smirks after hearing this. 

"What?" I ask thoroughly confused. 

"Nothing it is nothing" She says.

I know she isnt telling me something but I let it drop. 

The two of us continue to talk and I learn the basic things about her. She is a model and to be honest I am not surprised because she is fucking perfect. She isn't very social with many people. She said she had a lot friends in like Hollywood etc. but they weren't her real friends all management based relationships. So she only has Zayn and at times their relationship is hard cause they are most of the time in different countries. 

I felt bad but at the same time a little jealous. She had some who would care for her and cuddle her at night someone she could call even if it 10 in the night... 

Halfway through our conversation a man and a woman walked over to us. Niall, Zayn and Gigi got up from their seats so I guess I had to do the same. 

"Mr. Rodgers pleasant to meet you" Niall said extending his hand out for a  handshake. The man shook Niall's hand and then Zayn's hands. He greeted us with a simple smile and 'hello'. I just followed Gigi's lead cause she seemed to know what she was doing. 

The wife Martha sat with us. Niall, Zayn and Mr. Rodgers dove straight to the topic about some deal they were doing. As Niall spoke to his client you could see differences in him. His posture was more upright, his grammar was more proper if you could say that, and his accent was much more stronger. He used his key the fact that he intimidated everyone around him by the looks of the man you could say he was a little intimidated by Niall but he tried to hide it. 

We started to make small talk with Martha. She was talking about he son who was in London and they were travelling there the next week for his wedding. 

Through our conversation the waiter hands us the menu and we all order our meal. Everyone ordered wine and I am not a great fan of wine. I didnt want to seem like the odd one out. I was about to say I will have the same as the others when Niall said "She'll have a Lemon - Basil Mojito"

I looked at him he just shot me a small smile and went back to his conversation. Something about the fact that he remembered something about me made me feel a small warmth inside of me. Gigi shot me a small curious look and went back to her conversation with Martha. I joined their conversation even though I didnt find it interesting what so ever. 

The food and the drinks came fifteen minutes later. I was about to dig into my food when my phone started to ring. Everyone's attention turned towards me. I took my phone out in a hurry and saw it was my Mom... 

I felt the colour drain from my face but I regained my composure and gave everyone at the table a apologetic smile.

"I am sorry. I have to take this" I say getting up catching Niall's eye he had this unreadable expression on his face. 

I walked away from the table and out the door of the restraunt and picked up the phone and glanced at the table through the glass doors. 

"Hey mom" I sigh.

"Hello Darling" She says through the phone. 

Sorry for the short chapter I promise to deliver a better chapter next update!

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