21. "All Done"

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"So you fan?" He asks me signaling to my shirt as he got into the driver's seat while I got into the passenger seat.

"I little bit" I admitted. Oh, who was I kidding? I absolutely loved their music. He nods in response.

"So why suit shopping?" I ask him.

"Some board member's daughter's wedding " He says shrugging.

"For that you need a new suit?" I ask him.

"Well yeah" He says like it the most obvious thing to say.

I roll my eyes at him.

He takes his phone and hands it to me.

"Play your favourite song by 'You Me At Six'" He says.

I look at him curiously but nevertheless take the phone (Which needless to say was the latest Apple phone)from his hands and search up my favourite song by them. A moment later the familiar intro of 'Spell it Out' by them started to play.

I couldn't help but mumble along the lyrics of the song. Once the song was over Niall took his phone from me and started to type in something. With only one hand on the steering wheel.

"Hey focus on the road!" I speak. He rolls his eyes like he is bored.

And the tune of 'Playing the Blame Game' by the same band starts to play.

"No way! You know about them?!" I say my excitement getting the better of me.

He laughed and there was something else in his eyes. I couldn't quiet place my finger on what it was. "I have all their albums" He says that same cockiness was in his voice that I have now grown accustomed to.

"Show off" I mutter he throws his head back laughing at my statement.

The music continues to play he softly hums the song and taps his fingers in the steering wheel along to the beat.

Soon enough we reach the mall he parks the car in the basement parking. We exit the car and go through the security and then enter the mall.

I follow Niall until we reach the entrance of a 'Brook Brothers' suit store. Once we enter a short lean man with pitch black hair and brown eyes, clean shaved face and naturally tanned skin. He was wearing formal pants with a purple floral shirt. He came over to Niall with a bright smile. Obviously happy to see him.

"Ahhh Niall what brings you huh?" He asks Niall his Latin accent coming out his tones had a slight famine touch to it as well.

"Matteo good to see ya lad. I need a suit some stupid wedding I got to attend" Niall says.

It was only then did he – Matteo notice me.

"And who might this beautiful lady be?" He ask coming over to me taking me hand and spinning me around. Causing me to laugh. I already liked his personality.

"I'm Cienna" I say.

"And how did and idiot like you come across a beautiful girl like her?" Matteo asks Niall.

Niall opens his mouth to reply something but Matteo cuts him off "Oh I don't care"

Matteo continued to talk to me completely forgetting Niall's presence. You could easily sense that Niall was annoyed because he wasn't getting any of the attention when he said "Okay now back to getting me a suit?"

"Oh hush you got enough of them" Matteo says. But Niall glares at him and he gives up and tells Niall to follow him.

We walk to the back of the room and I see a section labelled 'Classics' and there were two racks fixed on the wall parallelly one on top and the other underneath it.

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