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"Don't you think I want to walk away from all this? From you?" Niall's words haunted me. The rest of the day at work it was like those were the only words that ever existed.

I don't know why those words affected me so much. It really made my upset to know that Niall wanted to walk away from whatever it was that we were having. I mean I know that we weren't a couple or whatever but I didn't want to lose him. I really have loved having him nagging me and annoying me with his useless comments but at the same time he made me feel free you know?

Then all of a sudden for him to get mad at me and say that he wants to walk away from me. For a reason I don't event know of. Really pisses me off but at the same time makes me feel upset.

I glanced up at the clock for the millionth time today. The seconds needle slowly ticking to finish the 60th minute of 4 o'clock. I waited patiently until at last the needle struck 12. I got right of my seat and grabbed my hand bag and jacket and was out the door. I didn't bother to wait for Liam because I knew he was at a meeting.

I took quick yet small steps all the way back home. I slowly unlocked the door hoping to hear the familiar sound of Louis playing some hopeless video game. But instead, I was met with utter silence and darkness.

I sighed and switched on the lights in our small apartment. I shut the door behind me. I dropped my bag on the couch and walked straight to the shower. I turned the shower on and stripped my clothes on and then got into the shower. I felt the warm water falling on my body automatically relaxing my muscles.

After a long shower I finally got my mind off what Niall said and that fear that he might never actually come back.

I changed into a pair of old sweats. I walked to the kitchen and opened the draw that contained all our take-out menus. I spread them all across the kitchen counter. I scanned through all the menus before I decided on Mexican from my all-time favourite Mexican place of 6th. I went back to my room and unplugged my phone from its charger and was about to make the call to order food.

Right at that moment I heard a knock on the door.

"The door is open Lou!" I call out assuming that it was Louis. I hear the door open and footsteps walk into the room.

"Cienna?" I hear an all to familiar voice call out to me. Right then I knew it was him and just his voice alone made goosebumps rise of arms.

I walk out of my room and into the hall to see Niall standing there. He was not wearing a suit this time. Instead he was wearing Nike sneakers, black jeans and a grey Nike shirt his hair wasn't that styled as it usually was instead it was flat and messy.

"Niall what are you doing here?" I asked him. My voice got more shakier than I expected.

"Just thought I'd get some dinner for you. It's from that place on 6th" He said a little hesitantly. Holding up two white plastic covers that had the name of the Mexican place printed on it. It was only now did the aroma of the food fill the room.

I smiled ever so slightly because I was going to order the exact same thing. But I wasn't going to let him get off the hook just like that. I refuse to be a pushover. I will not be the person he can yell at whenever and then come back being all sweet.

"Don't bull shit me Niall what are you really doing here?" I ask him.

He looked a little surprised that I actually questioned him but he sighed.

"I am sorry" He said softly and then looked at me waiting for me to say something. But I didn't I wanted to give him the benefit of doubt. But I did not ever expect him to apologize right out the gate.

"I should not yell at you. I just had a lot on my mind. I actually always have a lot of my mind. But is wasn't right to scream at you." He said.

"I really want to move past this and get back to how we were before" He spoke again. He looked at me hopefully that I would say something but I didn't. Trust me I would love to move past this and have Niall back and constantly annoying me. But when he said he wants to move past this I know he means that he doesn't want to ever talk about what he said of ever bring this up ever again.

"Please just say something" He spoke again bringing me out of my thoughts.

I knew that right now this moment if I asked him to explain everything I know I will drive him away for good and I didn't want that. I actually wanted him around but at the same time I didn't want to drive him away. So for the time being I am going to let it go. I will bring this and every other question I have from him at a time I know I will actually get answers for.

"My question is you better have churros in that bag" I said pointing at the bag he had that was filled with food.

The pleasant sound of him laughing filled the room.

"I practically ordered everything on the menu" He said.

"You better have and next time you want to apologize you will be getting me 'You Me at Six' concert tickets" I tease him. A large grin plays on his face.

"Tickets to you me at six, Got it" He chuckled. He walked over to our cramped kitchen and placed the two large covers of food on the counter.

I brought our two plates from the kitchen cupboards.

"We can do whatever you want until 9 after that I got to get back" Niall said.

"What you got yourself a curfew?" I jokingly ask him.

"No I don't have a curfew but I got a meeting with a client in the west coasts" He said casually ending with a little chuckle. I roll my eyes.

I open the cover and take out all the food. "You weren't kidding when you said you bought everything on the menu" I say in amazement. The whole kitchen counter was filled with cases full of food.

"Well good thing I hadn't eaten anything since lunch" He said.

"Normal people don't eat anything after lunch until dinner Niall" I tell him.

"And I still fail to understand how the hell they survive" Niall said shaking his head in disbelief causing me to giggle. He looks down at me a large smile playing on his lips. I find it so weird he went from yelling at me to now smiling and laughing with me.

We make ourselves comfortable on the couch and start to eat the food Niall brought. He started to talk about something about when he was 17 he had this carboard box that all he ever did in it was sit for hours together.

After a few hours it became 2 minutes to 9 when Niall decided he had to leave. He was almost out the door when he asked me.

"What are you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing much Louis has his first show this weekend." I say.

"Great I'll pick you and your friends up then" He said before he got into the lift.

"I'll never understand him" I mutter to myself. 

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