11. "Let's take a ride, out in the cold air"

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C I E N N A 

We just finished our dinner we made small talk along the way otherwise it was silent. But this time the silence wasnt uncomfortable.

"Well thank you for the company. Alex will bring the car for you and drop you home" Niall told me and with that he left.

Well that is odd... That is certainly one way of putting it. 

I didnt know what to think... I mean that kiss did it mean something? Or was it something that he did with all the girl? Bring them to his fancy mansion, kiss them and then just leave? It must be one of his usual tactics to get girls. Either way I left it. It was just a kiss nothing more.

I walked around a bit before I finally found the main door. God they need to hand out maps when you enter the house. 

I walked out of the house to see Alex the driver still hadn't come yet, I guess I have to wait. 

A U T H O R 

Niall walked up the stairs to go to his office room. But he was stopped halfway up the stairs by Sean standing there arms crossed over his chest with an irritated expression on his face. 

"What do you want?" Niall asked weakly, not sure for what Sean was going to lecture him about this time. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" Sean asks Niall completely ignoring his previous statement. 

"I am trying to get to the office room to finish up some work. But you are being a idiot and not letting me go up" Niall tells him. 

"Really I am? You kissed the girl and you practically told her to get out" Seans replies.

"How do you know that?" Niall asked him. 

"Is that important? Niall mate for the first time you bring someone home and then you just let them leave like that?" Sean asks him. 

"You know very well why I dont bring people home Sean" Niall says his eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened. 

Sean sighed "Yeah yeah I know I am sorry... But just Niall she is practically perfect she is everything the opposite of you. The fact that she talks back to you is just proof she isnt like the rest. Just dont push her away without even giving her a chance"

"What makes you think she will hang around to deal with all my shit huh? Sean this is my messed up crap filled life. I dont need other people to know about it cause it isnt their business I dont need all the people in the world gossiping about my life" Niall snapped back at him.

"I never said you have to tell her anything. All I am saying is it would be good for you to spend time with someone who doesnt give a crap about that fact that you are some stupid CEO but treat you more normal and way to get away from everything" Sean says trying to get his friend to actually do something new. 

"I told you I dont need anyone. I have enough for myself" Niall tells him irritation clear and there is no intention of caving into what Sean said. 

"Fine dont do anything but at least be a gentleman and wait for her till Alex brings the car up front" Sean tells him. 

Niall narrows his eye obviously onto the fact that Sean is up to something.  

But Niall huffs and then turns around to walk back down all the stairs he had climbed leaving behind Sean with a large grin.

C I E N N A 

I was still waiting for Alex to come for the past few minutes. But he was no where in sight. Right then I heard the door open from behind me. I turn around to see it was Niall. 

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