30. "Walking away"

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Get ready guys!


"Louis get the hell up! You are going to be late for work!" I call out to him. He got back pretty late last night from his rehearsals.

When I hear no response from him I huff and to his room "Lou I swear I will not hesitate to bring a bucket of water and dump it on you" I say.

That was all it took for him blot straight up from his bed. "Good your up I have to leave for work right now. So if you end up going back to sleep I will not be here to get you to work" I tell him.

"Bye" was all he mumbles before I was out the door.

I walk down the stairs. Even though the lift was fixed but it has become a habit to take the stairs up and down. Once I reach downstairs, I see Liam waiting for me in his usual button down, jeans and dress shoes. His brown hair styled into its usual quiff.

"Morning" He chirps to me. I return the greeting.

"Mrs. H's?" I question.

"Always" He replied grinning. We start our walk to work with our arms interlocked. Liam was talking about how didn't even get a wink of sleep because his roommate Mark brought another 'guest' home.

We enter Mrs. H's bakery the soft sound of the bell chiming when you enter was heard. Mrs. H looked at us with her usual warm and welcoming smile.

"How are you doing darlings?" She asks us.

"We are doing just fine Mrs. H" Liam says grinning at her. Soon enough regular conversation strikes between Liam and Mrs. H. While my attention was on a little boy sitting at one of the tables alone playing with his little toy car. The boy looked around 4 or 5 years old. He has messy blond hair and piercing blue eyes which for some reason reminded me of Niall's eyes.

"Hi" I tell him softly squatting down to his height.

The young boy looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. "Hi!" He said as if he was glad to have someone to talk to him.

"What is your name?" I asked him.

"Theo" he said enthusiastically.

"Well Theo my name is Cienna" I tell him smiling.

"Where are you parents?" I asked him looking around to see who his parents where seeing that there was no one with him. "

"Mommy and daddy are working. I am with Grammy" He said brightly.

My lips parted to ask him who his grammy was when I heard Mrs. H says "I see you have met my grandson Theo"

That is when I remembered that when I spoke to greg last week he told me that his son's name was Theo.

"Greg did tell me about him" I say smiling.

"Hey! Greg is my daddy's name!" Theo said very pleased with himself for knowing his father's name.

"That is right that is your dad's name" I tell him. We continue to talk to Theo and Mrs. H for a few more minutes before we get our bagels and on the house doughnuts.

Once we get to work everything was a wreck. Mr. Tate (Maxwell) was no where to be seen and he had some really pissed Brazilian Clients on the phone that Connor was not able to calm down. Camila was walking around and sneezing every two seconds because of some allergy she had. We also had 3 photoshoots that needed to happen right at this moment and the photographers where no where to be seen. Also not to mention we needed our legal time to draft up a contract but there was some stupid glitch with our systems.

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