t h i r t e e n

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idk how to write fighting scene so pls bear with me lol

idk how to write fighting scene so pls bear with me lol

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third person p.o.v

"we have inters here" mrs. cha said as three students that are one or two grade below as enter our classroom.

"meet the last year of middle school, top three strongest aces of there department" mrs. cha said as jaemin wave at the girl as she giggle.

"everyone meet zhong chenle, park jisung, and lee eunkyung" mrs. cha said as the students greeted them.

"i'm zhong chenle, power echo" chenle greeted with dolphin voice, "i'm park jisung, power dark magic" jisung greeted with a awkward smile, and lastly, "lee eunkyung, weather control" eunkyung greeted with a eye - smile with dimples.

"we would be going to A.M.P where we could practice with your powers with different areas" mrs. cha said as she press a button and revealed our newly upgraded hero costumes.

"now change, jisung, chenle, eunkyung did you bought all of your newly costumes?" mrs. ask them as they nod their heads.

- time skip -

"go wherever you want to sit" mrs. cha announce as she went beside the driver.

i went to a window side at the far back, as san, went beside me.

y/n - san - wooyoung - yeosang - mingi
hwiyoung - chani yunho - jongho
yeji - karina tzuyu - chaeyoung
sunwoo - eric jaemin - eunkyung
jisung - jeno chenle - renjun
doyeon - yoojung yeri - yena
yangyang - haechan eunbi - jiwoo
bomin - haknyeon shushua - mina

mrs. cha driver

y/n was peacefully and excitingly watch the scenery in front of her eyes, as she thank god she sat in the window seat.

"say, y/n have you ever gone to a field trip before?" san question the girl beside him, as he watch her with amusement when
y/n watch the scenery with wonder and all smiley.

"well i was homeschool for all my life, what you expect from my boring life?"
y/n answer him as her eyes are still glued to the scenery, wooyoung, hwiyoung, chani, yeosang, mingi, yunho, and jongho who heard them muffle there giggles.

san deadpan at her blunt answer, "but do you go trips and have fun like that?" wooyoung ask her, as y/n replied, "well as the only child, we do travel but i'm not allowed to go out with any supervision"

"don't worry y/n, this practice will make you happy" san said to her patting the girl beside him, and letting her continue to watch what's happening outside the bus.

a little while longer the bus suddenly shake, mrs. cha was alert by this.

"mrs. cha why is the bus shaking?" yena ask as all of them started to shake, "AH!" chenle shouted as he and renjun witness a eye on the side of there window.

"MRS. CHA THERE IS AN EYE!!" chenle screamed, "chenle our ears are bleeding here!" haechan shouted at him, which chenle sheepishly apologize.

the bus suddenly was nearly drop to the ground, but with mrs. cha's help she controlled the bus.

"y/n, eunkyung go outside, fly and tell us what was that thing" mrs. cha instructed them as both didn't hesitate and broke the window as they activated there power.

"talk about powerful duo" yeji fangirl as they watch y/n using her air to float and eunkyung standing on a cloud, above them.

when y/n and eunkyung almost lost there balance with a fast speed between them.

"woah what was that!" yangyang exclaim, "eunkyung produce a cloud so i could use my water and electricity" y/n said to her as eunkyung nodded, manipulating the clouds around them.

the once bright and sunny day was turned into a dark with thunder roaring and little droplets by eunkyung's power.

"unnie here you go!" eunkyung said as both her hands were stretched to combine more clouds.

y/n sends the big eye wing villain huge waves of water coming from the droplets.

the eye wing villain screamed, as y/n tried sending more waves of water when suddenly it's wing flap back the water so the waves are directing to them.

eunkyung wasted no time to blow gush of winds coming from her generating clouds.

"thanks eunkyung!" y/n thank her as eunkyung nodded at her as she finished producing the clouds around them.

"there's so cool" haknyeon said as theyw atch above them as both the girls fought.

"wait why is that eye multiplying" yeri said in shock, as they witness the eye become eyes.

"hwiyoung, chani, mingi, jongho, haechan, jisung, jaemin, and jeno join them above" mrs. cha said, "while we here will handle this fellas" she continued as they turn towards her as they were around 10 - 20 villains around the ground.

as mrs. cha quickly sent a alarming message to voodoo, vocalist, some around the area superheroes, and the authorities.

"i'm glad it's an open area rather than a forest" san said.

the mentioned names were soaring above the sky as they helped the two females who were slightly struggle from the eyes.

mingi with fire coming from his boots to help him fly, hwiyoung with his energy and psionic powerto help him levitate, chani with his magic, casting him, wooyoung, and haechan flight powers for the meantime, jisung summoning dark figures as they wrap around jisung as they combine intro wings, jaemin thinking about fire, flight, air, water, and strength power on repeat, and lastly jeno generating a cloud to help him fly joining the others too.

the people who were left on the ground started the villains, while some villains also started flying above as they saw students also soaring above.

"there are fighting"

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