t w e l v e

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this is mostly a flashback of the reader's

this is mostly a flashback of the reader's

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third person p.o.v
kinder years
Musutufa, Japan
in a secluded area in the park📍

"ahaha, what are you gonna do? tell your parents ahahaha" a boy with a horn head and wings taunt at the little y/n, who was crying.

"look, the little so called heroine is crying, crybaby" a girl said as the five of them surrounded her and laugh.

"h-hey sto-p th-at!" a voice was heard in a distance, all five of the bullies turn there heads around and immediately smirk.

"oh look it's deku, what a quirkless boy doing here?" another girl said as she use her quirk to blast water on him.

"i- sto-p bullying us" he said as he ran towards y/n who was still crying.

"a-re y-o-u ok-a-y?" deku stutteringly ask y/n who was sniffling while looking at him, a suddenly there was pebbles thrown as both if them.

until one stone hit y/n's eye, that's when her power that she kept to herself trigger.

a dark and heavy atmosphere surrounded them, as the six kids including deku look at
y/n as her eyes went completely white.

there were 4 colors surrounding her, red, white, blue, and green.

"pl-ease t-ell my si-tte-r" y/n said to deku where y/n pointed afar, where a woman who's back is turn and was calling someone.

deku nodded and ran to her mother, while the bullies look shock and scared.

"STAY BACK!" the girl shouted as she use her quirk to throw pebbles, this trigger y/n's powers even more as she use her ice to freeze her body.

"YOU MONSTER!" the boy shouted as y/n stop for a moment, "n-o i'm not!" as she blast forceful winds at the three of them.

there so called leader of gang look at her, scared, "you MONSTER! no one will friend you now!" she scream as y/n surround her with fire.

"Y/N STOP!" her babysitter said as she use her power which is empathy, as she control y/n's emotion.

y/n stop for a moment as her flames surrounding the 'leader', the other girl body was unfreeze, and the three were sent to ground as they were up in the air.

the bullies didn't apologize and kept on screaming and shouting while running, monster MONSTER at y/n.

her babysitter let go of her, as y/n continued crying, "am i a m-mon-s-t-er?" she said while wiping tears from her face.

"you're not a monster, you're special" a little voice was heard, she turn her head to the side and saw deku.

"re-" she couldn't continue her sentence as her sitter told y/n that minjae is near.

both the kids bid goodbye before y/n shouted at him, "don't forget me, i'm n/n!, bye broccoli!" she scream at him while waving her hand before the car door shuts.

deku was still speechless either the nickname or there encounter but nonetheless he would remember.

i'll remember you n/n deku thought as his mother called out for him

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