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Edited 04/12/2023


It was now late in the evening; I had given Zack a bath and took a shower. I was still in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. There was a small bump, the doctor had told me that I'm almost three months pregnant. I smiled and caressed my stomach. "Angel" I heard Prince called, my eyes widen, and I hurriedly took up my towel and cover myself.

"I'm in here." I answered. He came into the bathroom and came and stand before me. "You showered without me." he said with a frown.

"I didn't know you wanted us to shower together." I said looking down.

He lifted my chin and said in a lustful voice "You know Angel, you in a towel is turning me on." He gave me a rough, unexpected, passionate kiss. I almost drop my towel but held on to it. "Why are still holding on to the towel?" He groaned.

"I need to get dress, and you need to shower so we can talk." I told him.

"Since when do you deny sex, especially from your handsome husband?" He asked and I glared at him. He sighed "Come on Angel, I have a boner."

"That's your problem." I told him and walked out. "Damnit" I heard him swore. I grinned a bit, serve him right. I hurriedly put on my clothes and laid on the bed waiting for him to come in. When he did, I could see that he's angry or frustrated, I don't know which. He put on his boxers and came on the bed.

"Can we talk tomorrow; I need to sleep." he said.

"Did the cold shower help?" I asked him. I didn't get a reply "Prince" I called.

"What Monica!" he snapped. Ok.... message received.

"Never mind" I said and laid down facing the ceiling. I got up and went to go downstairs when Prince stopped me by asking "Where are you going?"

"What do you care?" I asked, my voice quavering.

"Are you crying?" He inquired. Damn these hormones. "No" I answered drying my tears.

"Come here." he said patting the bed, I obeyed. "What's wrong?" I shook my head, no. "Then why are you crying?"

Then my hormones cause me to spill "You've been working a lot these past weeks, you're never there when I want someone to talk to. A lot have been going on with me and I can't seem to find the right time to tell you that I'm pregnant." I covered my mouth as soon as I said the word pregnant.

It was silent "You're pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes" I answered with a sigh.

"When did you find out?"

"Last week." I told.

"How far along are you?"

"Almost three months.." I said, it came out as a whisper.

Prince got up off the bed and started pacing around "This is a bad time for you to be pregnant Angel, a very bad time." he scowled.

"It takes two to tangle, and why is it a bad time for me to be pregnant?" I demanded angrily If you don't want it, you can just say so, I can leave and take it and Zack with me." I spat; he was before me in a flash.

"Do not ever speak about leaving me again or you'll regret it." he warned, my eyes widen, and I gulped. I've never seen him like this before, maybe it's because I never talk about leaving him. I nod my head in fear. He sighed and said, "I need to cool off, we'll talk about this tomorrow." he said and leave the room. That night I cry myself to sleep.


I left the room in anger and went down to the gym to let off some steam. I had forgotten to put on some pants, so I just took one from the locker that was in the gym.

Punch, punch, kick, kick, punch, punch, punch, kick

That's what I've been doing for the pass hour or so.

"God damnit!" I yelled giving the sandbag one more punch. I went and sat down on the bench. Angel had never said she'll leave me before and I've never raised my voice at her. I never said I didn't want the kid, of course I want it, it's just a bad time.

My god damn rival found out about Angel, Zack, and Ruben. Now tomorrow I must tell my family that I am in the mafia. I never wanted my family to know about that part of my life, hell I didn't even want that part of my life, but it was pass down to me after my parents were killed.

My night was filled with a lot of thoughts and by morning I still don't know how to tell my family that I'm the Mafia King. I took a morning shower and went down to the kitchen where Angel is making breakfast and Zack was seated on a chair watching her. None of them notice me, I was about to make myself known when Zack said something that made me stay hidden and listen.

"Mommy when can we tell daddy the secret?" he whispered.

"He already knows baby." she said flipping the pancake.

"You told him without me." he pouted sadly.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

"Does uncle Benny know about the baby mommy?" He asked. so that's the secret.

"Yes, baby he found out on his own." she told him. Ruben knew, why didn't he tell me?


"Yes Zack." she answered, it sounded like she was getting frustrated.

"Was daddy happy when you told him about the baby?" he inquired.

She hesitated "Yes daddy was very happy." she said through gritted teeth. She turned off the stove and I decided to walk in then. "Good morning" I greeted,

Without looking up Angel mumbled a 'morning' while Zack partially jumped off his chair and run into my arms squealing 'Papa'. Ruben came into the kitchen and sat at the table. Angel gave all of us pancakes and whatever we like on it. Zack and I got chocolate syrup, Ruben got maple syrup while she got cherry syrup.

We all sat down and ate our breakfast. Alright Prince it's now or never. I cleared my throat.

"I have something to tell everyone, it includes why we move here so suddenly." I started; Angel looked like she wanted to say something but changed her mind "Want to say something Angel?" I asked but I didn't receive an answer. I sighed "The reason why we moved here so suddenly is because I'm in the mafia and an enemy of mine found out about you guys." the room was silent except for Zack's chewing and moaning; he doesn't know what's happening my poor baby boy.

"I knew it, I knew you were in the mafia." Ruben blurted.

"The King to be exact." I corrected.

"Are you boasting?" oh no here it comes.

"I think I'll be going now." Ruben said, "Take Zack with." Angel said not taking her eyes off me, Zack who heard his name immediately stopped licking the chocolate from the plate. Ruben took him and went away.

"Prince, we have been together for almost nine years, and you didn't trust me enough to tell me any of this."

"It's not about trust Angel." I said softly.

"Then what is it about, this person wants to hurt our family, Prince. Is that why you don't want this baby because he's going to kill it, oh my god what are you going to..."

I went in front of her and cupped her cheeks "Angel, I won't let anyone hurt our family I promise you. And that baby you're carrying will grow up to be a wonderful man or woman." I told her drying her tears.

"You promise." she sobbed.

"I promise that I'll protect our family until my last breath." I promised. Angel nods through her tears and hugged me.

"I love you, Prince.." she said.

"I love you too Angel."

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