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We sat in the diner with a lot of food on the table before us. I was still shaken up by the fact that I almost fell. A lot of things could have gone wrong if I had.

I am happy that Prince was beside me. He's always there for me.

I used my fork to pick up a piece of omelet from the plate before me and started eating it. The children were eating waffles.

After we all finished eating, we stayed a while to digest our food.

"I need to use the restroom." Lora said.

"I'll come with you." Crystal said.

"I'll go with you guys." I said, getting up from my seat. I kissed Prince on his lips. "I'll be right back, babe." I told him.

I looked at Zack, who had his arms crossed and a pout on his face. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked.

"You forget to give me a kiss too." He told with actual tears in his eyes.

"Ah, baby, no need to cry." I said and kissed both his cheeks. "There, mommy gave you two kisses."

Lora, Crystal, and I went to the restroom together. We each went into separate rooms and released ourselves.

After I pulled up my dress and was about to flush the toilet, I heard what sounded like muffled screams.

"Lora, Crystal, what was that?" I asked. No one answered, so I flushed the toilet.

I slowly opened the bathroom door and peeked out. No one was outside.

"Lora!" I called out, knocking on the other doors that were inside the bathroom. "Crystal!"

I went to the exit of the restroom, but someone grabbed me roughly from behind.

"What..." I started to ask only to have something wet cover my nose. I started failing around since the person's hold on me could loosen, and I'm was not successful.

I took a deep breath and fell into darkness. The last thing I thought was 'not again.'


"There is so much that Lora and I have not done together." Ruben said. "When all this craziness is over, I will take Lora on a vacation." He spoke.

"Speaking of, aren't the ladies supposed to be back by now? It has been like..." Shaquille looked at his watch, "fifteen minutes. "

"It is strange." Ruben agreed, looking in the direction where the ladies went a few minutes ago.

"I'll call Kayle to see what's happening."  I spoke. I took out my phone and called Kayle, one of the bodyguards that I sent to guard Monica and Lora.

The phone rang but no one answered. My brows furrowed. I told all my guards to make sure they answered their phone when I called. Something is wrong.

I looked to Ruben and Shaquille with a knowing look. I got up from my seat. "Champ, I'll be right back." I told Zack.

"Okay, Papa." He said his eyes, not leaving his mother's phone, that he is currently playing a game on.

I quickly walked towards the restroom area. When I got there, I saw all four bodyguards lying unconscious on the floor. I shook my head in annoyance. Why do I even need bodyguards if they are so worthless. I gave them such a simple task.

Rushing past the idiots on the floor, I fling the restroom door open. "Monica! Lora! Crystal!" I called banging on doors.

They are gone, and the bastard has them. I'll get him this time, and I'll make sure he's dead.

I went back to the table, "We need to go." I said.

"The ladies?" Shaquille asked.

I looked at the children who were now looking at me, "They are gone." I told.

"Shit!" Ruben swore.

We paid for our meals and left the restaurant. When we were inside the car, I saw Zack and Annie looking around. "Daddy, we're leaving, Mommy." Annie said.

"Yes, Papa, we are leaving Mommy and Lora." Zack said.

"Buddy, mommy is -" I was cut off by Zack's gasp.

"Did the bad man get mommy again?" He asked. I sighed. This kid is too smart for his own good. "Yes, buddy, but I will get her back." I told.

"You said that last time, but you didn't make the bad man stand in the corner." Zack glared.

"I will this time champ, I promise."


I opened my eyes when I felt someone shaking me awake. Looking up, I saw that it was Crystal.

Crystal had stopped shaking me, yet I could still feel myself moving. "Why is my bed moving?" I asked.

"You're not in your bed Monica, don't you remember what happened?" Crystal asked.

I sat up, holding my head. Looking around, I saw that we were in the back of a van. "Oh my God, we were kidnapped." I gasped.

Lora was beside me, but she was not conscious as yet, so I tapped her cheek. She woke up with a groan.

"What happened?" She asked.

"We've been kidnapped." I told her.

"What! No, no, no." She chanted.

"We have to get out of here." Crystal said.

"How do you expect us to get out of a moving car?" I asked her. "Even if we manage to get the door open, Lora and I are pregnant. We can't jump." I said.

"Right." She said.

"I've got an idea." Lora said.

"What is it?" Crystal and I asked.

"Hey, let us out of here!" Lora shouted to the two men that we could see in the front of the van.

"Hey asshole, I'm talking to you. How dare you take us against our will!" She continued.

The man who was in the front passenger seat of the van got up from his seat and came around the back.

My eyes widened at the size of the man, and I recognized him too. He was there when that lunatic kidnapped me the first time.

He pointed his gun at Lora, "If you don't be quiet bitch, I'll put a bullet through your skull." He hissed. Lora whimpered in fear.

"Leave her alone asshole!" I yelled. I screamed when I felt his gun hit me across my face. My shaky hand touched my forehead and I hissed when I felt a burning sensation. I looked at my fingers and saw blood on them.

"One more word from any of you and see what happens." He warned and went back to the front of the van.

I looked at Crystal and Lora through my blurry vision. "Prince will find us." I said then closed my eyes.

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