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2 months later

Life on Oronsay since we've been here has been wonderful. Our lives have returned to normal, and I was elated about that.

Ruben started working with Prince when he turned 18 about a month ago. He is a part of both legal and illegal businesses. They travel for work, and they use a helicopter to go to and from.

I told Prince that I do not like him going away so often since I'm a week past my due date and I'm still heavily pregnant. He started building a house for his mafia members on the island. I was not keen on the idea, but I agreed to it because at least he'll be near me.

Prince and I were in the backyard sitting on a pool chair when Ruben joined us. "There is something that I want to talk to you guys about." He said.

"Okay, go ahead." I urged.

"I know that I'm only 18, and Lora is only 17, but I want to ask her to marry me." He spoke.

"You-you want to what?" I asked.

"I want to ask Lora to marry me." He repeated. I looked at Prince, who had an unreadable expression on his face.

"You two are having a kid together, so it's up to you two to decide what the next step is. Just know that whatever decision you make, we will support you." Prince spoke.

Ruben looked at me, and I nodded my head in agreement with Prince, stunned at the fact that my overprotective and strict husband just said that.

"Make sure that you are not rushing things. You must think about everything and make sure that this is what you both want." I advised.

"I've already done that." Ruben said.

"What's the plan for the proposal?" I asked curiously.

"I'm going to set up a picnic down by the beach with flowers and a tarpaulin to cover us."

"Sounds good." I said.

"I want you to keep her busy while I set everything up." Ruben informed.

"I can do that. When is this proposal happening?" I questioned.

"Tomorrow." He answered.


Ruben left. Prince and I went back to relaxing.

When evening came, Lora and I decided to make dinner. Zack decided that he wanted to help out. We made steak with buttery sautéed mushrooms and fresh herbs. We also had some pomegranate juice.

After we finished making dinner, we set up the table and placed all of the food on it. We then call the men for dinner. The table was an eight-seat table.
   Zack, Prince, and I were on one side, and Ruben and Lora were on the other.

We started eating in a comfortable silence when a sudden sting in my abdomen made me hiss. "What's wrong?" Prince asked, concerned.

"Nothing, it's just a little pain, and discomfort is all." I groaned.

"I can call the doctor." He said.

"I'm okay, Prince." I said. Prince hired a doctor to stay on the island until we gave birth. The doctor might be staying for a while after. Who knows?

"You're a week pass your due date Monica, we can't take anything lightly." He said. Uh, he said the name.

"I said I am fine, can you drop it." I scowled at my husband, who was just concerned.

"Fine." He said and went back to eating. Everyone continued eating awkwardly after Prince's and I disagreement or whatever it was.

After dinner I went to my room. I lay on my bed, and a wave of emotions came over me. I started sobbing quietly.

I heard the door opened and I quickly dried my tears. "Mommy, can I sleep with you and Papa?" Zack asked.

"Sure baby." I answered.

Zack came onto the bed and laid his head against mine. His hand caressed my arm. "Are you okay, Mommy?" He asked.

"I'm okay, baby. I'm just tired." I told him.

"Go to sleep, Mommy. I'll be right here." He said to me.

I closed my eyes, but I did not fall asleep. I heard, and then Prince's voice asked, "What are you doing in here, bud?"

"Mommy said that I could stay." Zack told his father. There were a few seconds of silence. "Papa,"

"Yes, bud?"

"Mommy was sad." He told.

"Your mommy will feel better tomorrow. She's just sad that the baby is not here as yet." Prince told. Their conversation continued, but I couldn't tell what they were saying since sleep took over.

The first thing that I remembered was that I had to distract Lora so that Ruben could set up the proposal area. I had just the idea of what the distraction should be.

I looked beside me on the bed and saw that Zack was asleep. I changed into a bikini and threw on a cover-up over it. I then search for swim shorts for Zack .

When I came out of the closet, I woke Zack up. "Come on baby, we are going to eat breakfast and then head to the pool." I told him.

I waited until he was fully awake and then gave him the swim shorts to put on. After he was in his swim shorts, we went to Lora's room. I knocked on her opening the door. "Put on a bikini. We are going to have breakfast and then head to the pool.

"It's cold out." Lora said.

"We can go into the hot pool." I told her.

"Okay. Give me a few minutes to change." She said and closed the door.

Zack and I waited outside Lora's room door while she changed. Around five minutes later, she came out in a one-piece bathing suit with a cover-up on.

While we were walking to the kitchen, Lora asked, "Have you seen Ruben?"

"Prince and Ruben had to leave for something urgently,  next door." I told her, referring to the house that was being built up.

"Oh." Lora frowned.

"Let's go have breakfast and then go to the pool." I said.

We went to the kitchen and had eggs and toast for breakfast. We then went out into the backyard where the pools were. We got into the lowest part of the hot pool where we were able to sit down. I put a round floaty that had a watermelon design around Zack's waist and a pair of green hand floats around his arms.

Zack started swimming around in the pool. I made sure that he did not venture too far out in the pool since I am heavily pregnant and can not get to him if anything should go wrong.
     "Mommy, watch me." He said, paddling away.

"Good job, baby." I cheered.

I turned my attention to Lora, "Have you spoken to Ruben about what happened when we were taken by Delvin?" I asked her.

"No. I just want to forget that it ever happened. It is harder than I thought since I won't stop having nightmares." Lora told.

"Same here." I told her with a sigh.

Lora and I relaxed and had meaningful conversations while Zack swam. Hours passed, and Ruben came to get Lora.

"Hi ladies and Zack." Ruben greeted.

"Hi Ruben." I greeted.

"Hi babe." Lora greeted. Zack didn't look in his direction.

"Lora, I want you to go and get ready, I have a surprise for you." Ruben told her. Lora looked at me, and I nodded my head, indicating that it was okay for her to leave. Ruben and Lora left and went inside.

We have been inside the hot pool for a while now, so I decided that it was time to get out. Zack and I got out of the pool and went to my room. I changed Zack and myself into dry clothes. After I had finished dressing Zack, something happened. "Mommy." He shouted.

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