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It has officially been two days since the kidnapping. Everything is dull. It was as if life had no meaning. Zack is not his usual happy self. He just says a few words from time to time.

Ruben had asked me to teach him how to use a gun, I had told him that I would teach him to fight as well. For the past two days, he had been down in the basement where we had a boxing ring and a gun range.

I've decided to catch Shaquille up with what I know so far, even though there was not much to tell him. I invited him to the house and told him to bring Annie. Zack needed someone to talk to.

When Shaquille arrived at the house, we went to my office while Annie and Zack stayed in the living room.

"I haven't found out much, but my men found out that around the time of the kidnapping, a white man was seen leaving the restaurant." I told Shaquille.

"The police have not found much either, it's like they disappeared." He sighed. "Is there something that you are not telling me? My sister had been taken two times since I got her back, and now my wife is caught up in this mess." He spoke.

"A man like me has a lot of enemies. I'm sure you, being a prince, understand." Was all I said.

"That's not an ans-" He began but was interrupted by the ringing of my cellphone. I checked the caller's ID and saw that it was an unknown caller.

"Prince Royale's phone." I answered.

"Mr. Royale, how are you doing? I hope it hasn't been too rough without your pretty wife by your side." Came a male voice from the other end of the line.

"You bastard, where is my wife?" I asked. Shaquille looked at me with a raised brow.

"I've sent up you a video attachment. You and the Royal family will give me what I want, or I'll do much worse." He spat and hung up. 

I pulled the phone from my ear and beckoned Shaquille to come closer. I opened my laptop and clicked on the video. It started playing.

Monica, Crystal, and Lora were lying on a bed. They were tied up with their mouths taped. Crystal and Lora were crying while Monica lay still. It made me wonder if she was alive.

A man came in the view of the camera. He had a red mask that was shaped like a devil's head over his face. The man was wearing a blue suit with a black shirt under it.

"Get them on the chair." he ordered. He stepped aside, and three men in balaclavas came into view. Each man grabbed one of the ladies roughly and grabbed them off the bed.

The woman kept on screaming, though their screams were muffled, as they were being manhandled. "Shut up!" the man and the devil's mask shouted, grabbing Crystal by the hair.

When the ladies were situated on the chairs, the man in the blue suit walked behind them.

"To Prince Royale and King William Walberg, I have snatched three women with whom you are both related in some way. I will list my demands, and if I do not get them, then these ladies will feel my wrath. From Prince Royale, I want control over his mafia -"

"I knew it!" Shaquille suddenly exclaimed, standing from his chair. I paused the video and looked at him. "I knew that you were in the mafia." He continued.

"So?" I questioned with a raised brow.

"So, my assumption was correct." He said.

"Can I continue the video, or do you want to continue speaking?" I asked, having no interest in what he had to say.

He cleared his throat, "You can continue the video." He said and sat back down.

"-the entire empire and from King William Walberg, I want what is owed. I want the throne -"

"Oh my God!" Prince Shaquille gasped.

"What is it this time?" I asked, pausing the video once more.

"I know who that is. That's-that's Uncle Delvin." He said, standing up. His hands flew to his head, and he started pacing. "Of course, it's him, I should have known."

"What's going on?" I asked, confused.

"Uncle Delvin is my father's brother. He's deranged. He tried to kill mom once. He always said that the throne belonged to him." Shaquille educated.

"Does it?" I questioned.

"Of course not. Uncle Delvin is a second born. He does not get to rule unless something happens to dad. I'm of age now, so even if dad is killed or if he died, I will automatically be crowned king."

"What would a prince want with a mafia?" I asked.

"Who knows." Shaquille shrugged. "Even if dad decided to hand over the throne to save the ladies, Delvin still has to go through the council to be crowned king. I doubt they will agree." Shaquille spoke.

I sighed, "Let's continue the video."

"If my demands are not met by the end of the month, then prepare yourselves for you will not be seeing these pretties again." Delvin warned. "Oh-" He said, using his gun to Strachan his head. "Keep in mind that I don't just have three lives in my hands, but five." And with that, the video stopped.


I sat in my office clueless. This guy asked for impossible things. I must find Monica and Lora before the end of the month. Two weeks and five days to go.

My eyes found their way to Shaquille, who was pacing around while talking to his father on the phone. He was telling him everything about the video and that the kidnapper is his uncle.

All this information is a bit much, I think I'll withhold it from Ruben for now.

I took up my phone and dialed Joshua's number. He is my new head of security since Kayle did such a horrible job.

"Yes, boss?" He answered.

"Get me everything you can on Prince Delvin Walberg." I Instructed.

"A prince?" He asked, sounding shocked.

"Just do it, Joshua." I commanded and hung up the phone.

It's going to be a busy week.

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