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Hey guys, I'm gonna need some help!

I want you guys to have the best reading experience so you need to be completely honest when I give you these questions.

You are all so supportive and I love you all for sticking by me, even when I'm not at my best.

So I have some questions for you guys and I hope you can answer them.

Dont worry, i have been working on new chapters behind the scenes but have been unable to publish due to work, internet problems and mental health stuff. Sorry for the delay.

Please be honest when answering these questions, otherwise I can't improve❤


1. What do you like about my writing style? Is it descriptive enough? is the dialogue readable? What makes you want to come back and read it?

2. What can I improve on with my writing style? What makes you want to pull out your hair when you read it? Does it feel sloppy or over the top?

3. What do you like about this plot? Is it interesting? What makes you come back for more?

4. What do you dislike about the plot? Do things feel repetitive? Is it unoriginal? What makes you cringe?

5. If you were able to take control of this story for a day, what would you add and what would you take away? This can be previous chapters or future chapters. What would you change about the story as a whole?

6. Does this story make you feel any emotions for certain scenes? If not, what could I change to make you feel the way intended?

7. What kind of ending are you looking for? Cliche? A twist? What would satisfy you?

(Ps. dont worry theres still plenty of chapters planned before the ending)

8. Last question, what would you want to see from me when I've finished this book? Do you guys want more x reader stories? Fanfictions? Original stories? Maybe a mix of those?

Thank you for participating. I cant wait to read your thoughts and I really hope that I can improve this experience for you guys!😩👊

Once again, I really appreciate all of your support and patience. I know it can be frustrating to see an A/N and no chapter. Especially when that author hasn't been posting.

I apologise for that.

Thank you all so much. Hopefully a new chapter will be out soon.

Love you guys, stay safe❤

Irkens Cant Love (Zim x reader)Where stories live. Discover now